
Study skills tips: the best way to use the time to study: Part II


Blood components

Human blood is a thick red liquid. It consists of blood plasma, red cells, white cells and platelets.

* Blood plasma is a liquid constituted by 90 water 100 and 10 100 other substances such as sugars, proteins, fats, minerals, etc.

* Red blood cells or erythrocytes are red cells that are capable of capturing large amounts of oxygen. Each cubic millimeter of blood are four to five million erythrocytes. This enormous wealth causes blood has a deep red color.

* The white blood cells are blood cells much less abundant than erythrocytes. There is a leukocyte per 600 erythrocytes. White blood cells have a defensive function against infections.

* Platelets are cell fragments coreless. There are about 250,000 platelets per cubic millimeter of blood, and its function is blood clotting.

The romances

One of the most abundant of our literature are romances. They are of all ages. From a chronological point of view, the romances are divided into:

1 old Romances. - Are almost all anonymous. Today it is recognized that originate from the epics, the most interesting episodes of the long epic poems were being sung independently of the rest of the Song by minstrels. Monorrimo epic verse breaks and gives rise to the octosyllabic rhyming assonance in pairs.

The old romances appear from XIV century. The themes of these romances are usually historical figures around prestigious national history (the Cid, King Rodrigo, Fernando Gonzalez, etc. Forming cycles are grouped romances. Other romances try Recapture episodes: are border romances. romances are inspired by the exploits of the French knights at the court of Charlemagne (Roland, Charlemagne, etc..) are the Carolingian romances.

There are also fictional and lyrical romances, whose theme is taken from history or traditional epic.

Intestinal digestion

In the duodenum, the chyme receives three juices that will complete the transformation into assimilable substances, these are the pancreatic juice, the intestinal and bile. Each juice is responsible for making some of the many changes needed, so the bile - the daily secrete about one thousand cubic centimeters - acts primarily on fats.

Gradually, the original bolus has been transformed into a slurry, which in the intestine is called chyle, the villi are responsible for absorption of chyle substances have become assimilated.

Unabsorbed substances pass into the large intestine, where they remain between 10 and 20 hours, during which time the so-called microbial flora acts; forming bacteria such plants finish the work transformative. Finalized, it only remains to perform defecation - expulsion of feces from the anus.

As you saw in the previous underlined, simply type have presented examples that surely can complete more and better but it may be valid to start work underlined. Perhaps the first text is the one that is incomplete, but it is valid to complete it and get, in turn, margin notes. You also need to underscore the theme you give, initially, some freedom, understanding the different types of underlining that can do according to your own method of study and memorize your way. Things easier not only for my model, create your own.

The summary:

It is one of the most important and key activities within the study. The can be done after the fact to be underlined and subsequently studied the topic, lesson or text. You have to try it without looking back at what you've read, and if you do as little as possible. This summary should be brief but complete with the fundamental ideas and using your own vocabulary and way of structuring sentences. Drafted in person. You have to use particles liaison between different paragraphs to produce logical reason between them. Clearly a good summary relies heavily on the understanding of the text and the times I've read (are recommended three, fast, one slow with underscore and slower with memorization and analysis).

The summary is used to summarize the contents of a text which must then comment or study. Facilitates better lesson study and its compression and in turn facilitates concentration while studying. With a good set of summaries of the various lessons can make a very positive final review what you studied.

To master this technique you will have to exercise the following type:

- Analysis and commentary written texts.

- Summaries of these.

- Readings arrested.

- Summaries of texts from the underline.

It is convenient to summarize subsequently read it completes several times and if necessary, reading ahead. In principle, all texts are valid to practice this technique.

The diagrams and summary tables

The scheme is a technique that really have very much forgotten but it gives much play. It is a simple as it depends directly on how you made emphasis and reading.

A scheme should present the main ideas of the text, clearly outstanding. It presents a simple and logical text structure. Must have a clean and clear presentation. The diagram highlights the main points of the text and subsections consider interesting. Signs are used to highlight ideas, underline, etc..

Attention and concentration

Rules for use of the time

Attention and concentration are essential to get the hours of study and the explanations given by the teacher in class. For many of you this is a real problem. The need to be vigilant and to concentrate on the study is basic. But there are many elements that affect attention: - The motivation and interest that we study. - Concerns: family problems, peer problems, problems with friends, or love, money problems, etc.. Concerns cause much anxiety and deconcentrated mind when studying or attending.

The place is studied and the conditions thereof

Fatigue: can not study when you are tired or sleepy.

But we can do something for these factors influence us as little as possible. Try to motivate. Think that what you do is for you, but rest assured we will fail. Why study? What do I get? What can bring me to study my training as a person? All rely on these questions and thereafter acts. Think you, your future, your ideas, your dreams, do not be misled by adverse situations around you, nor for the comments, nor the idea of unemployment, struggle, strive, go ahead. You should also try to solve the problems or concerns. Face the problems. Looking for a solution. There is always a solution. 

Looking for advice, get help in teachers, friends, psychologists. Do not let collapse. You should also take care of the environment where you study. Take care of your physical condition and your Descans. Do not be a sleeper. Respect your sleep. Do some sport. The focus, therefore, is not just something related to willpower. We must also take into account all the above. To eliminate boredom studied in an active and dynamic, with pen and paper. Take notes, highlights, look in the dictionary the words you do not understand. 

When you are taking notes in class, the teacher looks, ask when you do not understand something. Follow the explanations of the class is one of the moments that we get more performance party. Be positive with both the teacher and with matter. No you sink through adversity that you find. All this will ensure further learning of that content. You bet! As a final thought just remind you that in class taking notes.

Note taking

Before you start ... Look at the notes I've taken so far and Rate it using the following criteria: (1-deficient 6-very good)

1.-contain the main ideas of the explanation

2. - It looks the logical order of ideas

3. - Cleaning

4. - Clarity in the letter, underlining, etc..

5. - Order

6. - Brevity

If the average is three or less than three you need to read the following. How do you take notes? Taking notes is harder than it looks. Therefore requires specific training and practice. Concentration is essential. A good idea for easy note taking is that we know that is the issue we are going to expose. So, if possible, it would be appropriate to take a look at the issue the day before to know where things will go. 

Furthermore, your attitude towards the teacher and the subject should be positive. Do not be prejudice and not be misled by moods, not for the likes or dislikes. Concentrate on what you do. Control your attention. No ramblings. It is essential that you are attentive to the teacher, look at him, looking for the key ideas of explanation and focus your attention on: - Catch the logic which exposes the teacher. - Compare what you say with what you already know. - Find the utility for you than it explains. Summarize what the teacher is saying. You can use paper filing. Always the same, with the same format. Save notes in folders by subject and by day. Start putting notes on top of the sheet and the date the course or subject. 

This will facilitate their classification and order. The notes you take them so that they are easy to read. Do not write everything the teacher says. Do not copy everything. Only important ideas. Copy dates, names, references, etc.. Leave room on the right and left for notes or clarifications. Use emphasis and capitalization to highlight the most important thing. Be brief. Abbreviate the words as you can. Use acronyms, abbreviations (understandable later) or any sign that you believe and that means something to you. An example might be:
Like .......... = | century .......... S | more than .......... + | less than .......... - | man .......... H | woman ........ M | more .......> | less .............. < | that ...................... q | by ................. x | adverbs ending in mind a symbol adds the adjective: quick, easy, normal
You yourself can create your own rules or symbols. Practice a bit and see how the results improve. One idea is also important to pass not to clean your notes. You lose time. Strive to take them with sufficient clarity so that you are worth for further study.

Memory and mnemonics.

One of the topics that interest you in study skills, and for which more questions, is memory. Clearly throughout the study process memory is one of the key elements. But the important thing is to understand the memory correctly. Therefore on this page will discuss this topic and you are worried that both give tips and tricks to improve it. There is also a special section for mnemonics (memory tricks that facilitate).

"The memory works great as a filing cabinet. Locate information in the appropriate place involves streamlining the selection process"

We'll start by saying that memory and rote process consists of what might be called three phases:
  • Register.
  • Hold.
  • Remembrance
Our memory is like a big filing cabinet or in which it is clear that we will find things better if we ordered in a logical way. It is also shown that more and remember better what we understand (why is not convenient "plated" without knowing what "chapamos")

Register: At this stage we acquire the contact with elements that memorized later. It would be the first reading. To be clearer we read we use these concepts underlining, schemes

How to prepare and make a test

To properly prepare for an exam you need to know in advance and clearly the content you have to study.

This task of study can facilitate declaring yourself what really matters and what does not, the professor. It is important to know what kind of test we are going to do: test, practical, theoretical, of own production of responses, concrete and short answers, etc.

From there you can go and getting an idea ?how you're going to have to study: with great storage, connection of ideas, with all data even less important, etc.

From there it's just the implementation of all the techniques seen so far:

- A first quick reading what you have to study.

- Second reading slow, analytical, with underlining and margin notes.

- Preparation of a summary.

- Preparation of an outline or overview.

- Review with general reading above, underlined reading, reading the summary and final review of the scheme to ideas.

If you really get to follow this order in all its phases, the results are really good and the notes, undoubtedly improve.

How to test

- Be clear about the time you get to the exam, know it forever.

- Ask a general first reading all the questions.

- Read each question carefully and be clear what you're asking.

- Begin answering those that know not extend yourself too, with the information that you have been sued clearly. After complete them if you have time.

- After passing the questions you think you do not know, no master or unknown.

- Review the answers you have given before delivery.

Study skills tips: the best way to use the time to study: Part I
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