
Tips for family travel

The arrival of a new family member fills all of joy, happiness, hope, hope, satisfaction, but also means that from now parents will be aimed at new tasks, responsibilities, doubts, especially if they are new parents, will have many questions. The pace of life changes, as everything is geared to care for the youngest members of the house.

The sleep change, the freedom to leave is more limited and the availability to travel more conditioned, but not prohibited, which is different. Everyone loves to travel, and this is a treat not to be left aside, since the arrival of a baby is not radically renounce it. Today, many sites offer activities dedicated to children and hotels and apartments are more conditioned to stay with children. Some holiday with babies and childrenrequires more care and attention, but why should not become boring and uncomfortable.

Tips for family travel

One or more children should not be a pain head when planning the family holiday. Many parents, concerned about the luggage, the behavior of children or stay, choose to stay at home, which is not the solution. There are many solutions and alternatives, as a few days in the mountains or on the beach with the kids. Children need not be a limitation or impediment to travel, but a reason to spend together a fun and memorable family vacation. Traveling with children is not easy, because they pose more constraints, but the important thing is to maintain the illusion, take some precautions, organize, and play hard. The vacation are to relax and put aside the pressures of daily life. Guiainfantil and suggests some useful tips for traveling with children:

Preparation for family travel

First we must not forget that the most important of all journey planning advance. Choose the destination, the transport medium, Plan excursions and above all, prepare your luggage in advance. For this, a good tip is to list the needs of each. On the one hand, parents, and secondly the baby or child.
What to pack the baby?

But What to pack the baby?. Here are some basics that are a must on all luggage child:
- Cradle travel (if it is a baby).
- Thermo.
- Heat bottles (For infants).
- Pacifiers.
- Toy preferred for each child.
- Bath towels, soap, comb, toothbrush, cologne, moisturizer, sunscreen for the sun, diapers, Wipes, plastic bags and bibs.
- Medicine kit: medications, analgesics, bandages, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, thermometer, scissors, gauze, cotton and tape.
- Social Security Card or private health insurance, along with the baby's immunization record.
- Clothing: It is advisable to put a set for each day in the suitcase. It is important to spare some change for the baby.
Car travel with your family

If the means of transport is the car, it should bring water, a changing table, diapers and wipes, among some of the basics. It is also important to keep story, A toy, a pillow, nursery rhymes to encourage children, and something to eat. If a child feels sickness is very helpful to keep a plastic bag along the way. It is necessary to stop every two hours, since it is advisable that all stretch their legs and rest your eyes driver.

For children to get distracted along the way can be encouraged singing, telling stories, playing with riddles, tongue-twister. As to the child road safetyIt is very important that children wear the safety seats age-appropriate. Every four days a child dies in a car accident. These security measures are the most effective measure for prevent traffic accidents
Air travel with children

If the means of transport chosen by the family to travel on your vacation is the aircraft must bear what is necessary to change, feed or drink to children. It is advisable to know that children under two years are not entitled to a seat, and go on the parent. However, they have a safety belt age appropriate. Some airlines have prepared seats for carrying small Cots, And others offer games specially designed for young children and adults.
Train travel with children and babies

Nothing is more pleasant for children than a trip by train. If the journey is very long, you can use a car bed for sleeping. Kids will love traveling by train, because they can enjoy the scenery that moves through during the journey. However, comparison of the car or plane, is heavier, as it takes longer and may be more uncomfortable if you are traveling with very young children.
Where to stay when traveling with children and babies
Hotel or apartment? This is the question that many families to arise when traveling. Families with babies, usually opt for an apartment, because they have more freedom and fewer constraints than in a hotel, while families with children over 3 yearsTend to choose hotels.

Another good alternative are the cottages, nothing better to rest the nature and environment. Also, the more adventurous can opt for a holiday in some camping. Kids love it, because they have more freedom to play, learn and learn.
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