
Learning to read

» When to start?

The sooner the baby comes in contact with the best reading. From 6 months you can start to tell little stories. Note that the book is a great tool set, therefore, may be present in the child's life as well as toys.
The first thing to do is grab the baby book and put in their mouths,  at 12 months will want to start to turn the pages and point the drawings. You must remember that the attention span during reading time is only 13 minutes, and that language acquisition occurs just between 10 and 30 months, when they begin to repeat words and voice tones change.

» What kind of books are appropriate?

There are books of fabric and plastic that are very useful because they can be washed and used to play at bath time. Meanwhile,  cardboard are ideal for when your child wants to start turning pages. From year to three, those with images and illustrations in vibrant colors are preferred, along with those of animals that allow learning about sounds , shapes, colors, textures and actions. As for the pages, there are books from 5-30 pages. Suggested is to diversify the topics to hear so little reader preferences.

» Is it good to set a schedule for reading?

Read a story before bed time is a routine that kids love and can be repeated at other times of day. The important thing is to find the time and the right place.

» How incentive to read?

•Set an example
Are more likely to become a reader if you see that your parents read and are in contact with books. Show her that you love to read and will be more challenging to set a reading schedule.

•Books appropriate
There are some who will love, such as those with rhymes, illustrations of animals or large print. It is important that a suitable size and easy to handle.

•Establish the habit
Reserve a special time each day to read a story aloud. Fifteen minutes is ideal. If it gets restless,  interrupted the reading because it's time to change activities.

Reading the same book or the same stories can be monotonous for you, but the child enjoys it and will serve to absorb more information. Soon you will notice that remembers and repeats whole sentences.

Mark well the words, try substituting the name of the character in the story for your child, it changes the tone for a special character and exaggerated actions.

It is important that you give time to be trapped by history, as well as to discuss what was read.

For starters sitting the child in an appropriate place so you can see what they're reading. Invite him to discover the drawings or photos,  lets look at the letters and ask that you think will happen in the story.

•Complete reading
Children need to complete what they are doing. Therefore, if you are reading him a story about getting to the end. If it is a large book is a suitable point to finish reading, as the end of a chapter or page.

•Do not use the books as a reward
If the reading is linked to a system of rewards and punishment, there will be an enriching experience. For example: do not say that if you sort the toys then you will tell a story. The idea of ​​reading should be a habit, part of a very pleasant day time.

•Tell stories
Not just about reading books, you can also tell stories over dinner or while traveling by car. They can be classic, real or invented stories and have him as the main character. This is advisable for active kids,  who does not like to sit and listen,  but I always get excited about stories where they intervene.

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