
How to help teens decide their future? Helping a teenager looking for his first job

»How to help teens decide their future?

One of the most important tasks, while difficult, is that parents have to help their children prepare for when they leave the secondary school level. They can decide whether to go to college, if you take some time off or begin to work now, all adults and options that must be assumed with some responsibility. Here's how parents can help their children at such a crucial time.

•College or technical school

If the teenager has decided to continue to study must then know your options and apply in those schools that are of interest. This process is cumber some because it takes many steps. The best we can advise our children is that they feel ahead to write about their goals and achievements. A list would be advisable to fill:

»Strengths and weaknesses personal and academic.
»Extracurricular Activities.

They could also decide whether they want to study at school or from home online, as there is three alternatives. From then on the Internet can find guides which inform best schools, the budgets, the subjects taught, potential financing, etc..


If your help and advice with the teenager has decided to start to work, it's time to seek health programs and government that offer interesting options for beginners. As parents can guide you to prepare your resume, fill out forms and develop skills for possible interviews. You can also advise you to choose places that will bring benefits, but also serve as learning.


For some teens can be very helpful to take time off between school and the real world that will later be entered. can participate in some community activities or travel to other countries before the responsibilities of life stop him.

•Warnings helpful

Listen carefully to your child and try not to give advice unsolicited. If you ask for guidance, tell a story of our lives where we had to make a decision may be well received.
Provides respect and support. Do not try to decide the future of your child is your opportunity to grow and be there with you as a friend,  not replacing him.
Educate your child's independence and ability to care for himself in any circumstance, including decisions in extreme situations.
Fear not place a limit on the budget if you will offer your child takes time book. You must learn to be independent and self-sufficient. You will not be there forever.

Always try to keep as an enthusiastic advisor can give a hand at any time. Need a positive influence in this important transition period for the life of every teenager.

»Helping a teenager looking for his first job

Send resumes to whatever business is, check the mail every five minutes to see if your application respond, ask all your friends if they know someone who can hire ... Find Jobs for the first time is a process that can frustrate a teen,  especially if you do not get the answer you're looking for, which is very common when the first steps in the world of work.

The parent supportis key to encourage teens in this new experience that requires a lot of effort, dedication, perseverance and above all, patience. If your "children" and are facing finding your first job these tips may help.

•Help him but let him learn

Parents would do anything to see our children well. If we look down or sad because they get a job,  would not hesitate to redactarles resume, write your letter and to our selves to seek out work for him. However, one thing and another thing to help you do everything for him. Show them your support and tell all the tips that come to mind,  but let himself be responsible for your search: is a way to gain independence. And even if you can not find employment, this process will serve as experience for the future.

•Promote your skills

While your child does not get a job,  it's good to use the time to hone in certain skills. For example, if you want to engage in communication could use a non-advanced Frensh course, if you want to engage in Economics, Math, etc.. Ask your child what he would like to hone skills for well differentiated from their peers when looking for a job. Perhaps with a deeper knowledge in certain areas will open many doors tomorrow.

•His own project

If your son is smart, responsible and has very clear what he'd like to pursue in the future, this is the perfect time to encourage him to pursue his dream. We, as parents, we must offer the prospect that with effort, patience and perseverance can achieve what he wants. This is the time to start!


What better to talk about our own experience? Tell your child how was your first job search, how you did it, how was the process, what obstacles you have faced, etc.. Do not let it discourage you, Pass on a positive, safe, and do you feel confident that you will get the job given to him.
Since your teen is trying to fit into the workplace is important to have an idea about how the economy works, why it is important to work,  what is the value of money, etc..

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