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The baby will not go to kindergarten: Five Keys to avoid trauma

Visit the center's facilities before the baby child and respect are key times to avoid separation anxiety arises

Mourn, kickingand refusing to come to the center are some of the common reactions during the first days of kindergarten. The separation of his parentsat an early age forces children to deal with an emotional situation for which there are often prepared. In most cases, this attitudeis inevitable, but there are strategies to mitigate the trauma. The five essential keys, listed below, are toprepare the ground, respect the adaptation period, show safety, care farewells and reunions, as well as maintain a smooth information channel.

1.Paving the way for the arrival of the child to the nursery:

The arrival in the nursery the child is suddenly confronted with anenvironment in which everything is new: the place, the other small and, above all, the person who will take care of it. In addition, entry into the school implies a change in the habits and schedules that followed until then. The following guide lines will help make the change is not so abrupt:

•Before the course begins,the child should visit the center's facilities, go with it stays where you develop your journey and try to explain,  with courage and joy, that this will be a new place to enjoy and pass it along with others small.

•In the same previous visit, you should know your teacher and you can see that between him and his parents have good connection and collusion.

•One or two weeks before the start of the course, you mustgradually adapt the schedules and routines of the child to have to get used to it soon after.

•Tell the child what will happen, speak of the days before the change and how it will always convey a positive perception.

•In form the center and educators who will carry the child of all relevant aspects that allow them to know you better and treat you with more closeness: psychomotor evolution, their tastes and interestsor sleeping or eating routines, among others.

2.Respect the adaptation period of the children's center:

Nurseries often have a period of adaptation, shorter hours
Most nurseries have established aperiod of adaptation of children during the first few weeks, allowing gradually get used to the new situation. In general, is to start the day with a short time (one or two hours in the nursery) and increase it gradually, over the next days and weeks. It is important that parents respect these times and, if they can not pick up or carry the baby in the established schedules, delegated to other family members. See how other children before they leave, or left alone waiting, may be counter productive for adaptation and generate more anxiety in them.

3.Show security in front of children:

Sometimes the separation anxietyis higher in parents than boys. The feeling of guilt, distrust or nervousness of parentsis usually easy to transmit to their children. But only generate more anxiety in them. Therefore, it is important to show trust and confidence at all times.
Do not give in to the demands of the child or if shown surrender totally against going to the center. If yields once, the little understood that gets annoyed with his attitude what is proposed and will not hesitate to repeat it.

4.Caring farewells and reunions:

The farewells should be happy but fast
The farewells should be loving and joyful, but fast. Especially if the small is reluctant to enter the school. Prolonging farewell not mitigate his griefand see that their parents are pricked only increase his anxiety. Also, it is not advisable to leave the sly, without leave of the child, as it will generate more confusion. It is important that, at parting, parents remember to return the child to look at the set time and respect the time of collection.

5.Maintain a flow of information to the nursery:

For the process of adaptation is a success, it needs to be a fluid communication channel between parents and care givers of small. When both input and output of the center are good times to inform the school of any relevant aspect which may affect the child's routine (if you sleep less, has not eaten, if sad, etc.).also pay to ask about your progress in the nursery or other matters of interest.

Why is the baby crying? The seven most common reasons

Crying young child is different according to need or want to express feelings

For babies, crying is the main way of communicatingto people their needsand emotions. This article explains the seven most common reasons why a small child cries: hungry, tired or sleepy, feeling hot or cold, is uncomfortable, have colic, is unsafe or has excessive stimulation.

Crying is the main communication tool of the baby, so you should know what is behind the sob

Crying and body language are the main weapons Baby communication before acquiring the ability to express themselves verbally. The parents' job is to identify what causes regret to find, well, the solutions that soothe and comfort to your child. But is it possible to know at all times what's wrong baby? The reasons for the crying of the child may be diverse, including seven are the most frequent.

The crying of hunger is one of the most common in the baby and so usually understand also parents.Ana Isabel Fraga, author of 'The instruction manual you lost when your child was born. Case Studies' (Mandala Publishing, 2009) and blogger in Baby Whisperer, notes that the desire to eat baby "are easy to identify with a little practice."Provides guidance calculate when was the last shot of breast milk (or formula), but we must also take into account if you took the right amount or too much milk regurgitated later.These factors affect the baby feel hungry "soon".As Fraga says,"it is essential to be aware of other possible signs,"as if he puts his hands to his mouth, stick out your tongue and licking his lips.
2.Tired or sleepy:
Fatigue and sleep often cause the baby's crying. Mourn for this reason is their way of telling adults "leave me alone" so you can sleep.
When the baby is so tired that you fall asleep costs triggered what Fraga called" tears of exhaustion,"which begins in a mild (as a protest) and "gradually rises to a higher pitch. "Other times, the small tears produces a type of plane (that neither rises nor low intensity) which is actually a form of "block auditory stimuli that keep you from relax and unwind. "This kind of sob called "mantra cry" qualifies Fraga.

3.Feeling cold or heat:
The heat or extreme cold also causes the baby start to mourn Adverse environmental factors also cause the baby's crying. You can recognize if the infant has heat with sweat from your body or body temperature presented. In case of cold, it is important to see if you have blue lips or toes, tip of nose and hands extremely cold.

4.It is uncomfortable:
The baby also expressed their lack of comfort by crying. It can be caused, among other things, by poor posture when picked up in armsto stop you from moving freely. At other times it is a clothing label that touches the skin (and annoying) or a position in the crib or car that irritates. In this regard, we should remember that crying can be triggered also by the need for a diaper change when dirty.

5.He suffers from colic:
It is anintense and continuous crying, often repeating the same times of the day and is accompanied by repetitive movements of the legs towards the belly. These signs show called colic which, despite its name, is not related to an intestinal problem, but occurs for unknown reasons. Not all babies suffer and generally disappears after three or four months. Once that is known, it is easy to identify by their parents.

6.It is uncertain:
After nine months in the womb,  the baby must face a new environment devoid of recollection which he enjoyed in the womb and in which, as a result, feel more insecure.This causes insecurity occasionally small crying.The way to calm him is to offer the same sensations experienced before birth. To stop the crying, parents should take the child in his arms close to his body, cooing and rocking rhythmically and rhythmic, to restore peace of mind.

7.Has an overstimulation:
Sometimes, babies may feel overstimulated and need a little calmand quiet to relax around. Your response to this situation is often crying. An environment too noisy, too much activity around him, too many visitors and even a game too long with little are some situations that may irritate to the point of need mourn. It is their way of expressing their weariness and discomfort and that adults react to remedy.

Distinguish types of crying baby:
The first clue to identify the reason for every sob is knowing that "all tears are not equal," said Ana Isabel Fraga, author of 'The instruction manual you lost when your child was born. 'The sound, the intensity and pace of crying can varyde pending on the cause that provokes. And knowing how each type of sounds helps greatly regret. But also to identify the cry, it should meet the body expressions and other external factors, such as "the situation where the baby was to mourn before, how was your day or other environmental aspects such astemperature, noise or lights, "says Fraga.


Baby's first days at home, instruction manual

Sort family visits, rest when he sleeps and does not neglect the power of parents are key to coping with the new baby

Returning home with the baby after birthcan cause great anxiety in parents beginner. But no need to panic. Here are six tips for coping essential baby arrives successfully. Some claim that, with the help and advice of family and health professionals, the best weapons to survive in the first few weeks will be the instinct, affection and common sense of parents. And besides, are five common problems baby we should knowand how to act in each case.

Six essential tips for coping with the new baby

Learning to cope with the arrival of the baby home can be vital for many first-time parents for which there are six basic guidelines should know.

Visits from family and friends should be ordered not to disturb the baby and the couple

1.Sort the visits: Visits from family and friends to see the baby during the first few days are flattering, but sometimes also can become disruptive and stressful if not set limits and schedules. It is necessary to respect the privacy of parents and tranquility of the small,  something that will be difficult if you must continually attend to visitors.

2.Harnessing the baby sleep: The nights with a newborn can be exhausting, especially if you are breast feeding. So during the day is convenient for parents to accommodate the child's pace and take advantage of times when he sleeps to rest, and even sleep, if possible.

3.Focus on the baby: During the first weeks the infant needs all the attention and dedication of their parents and, especially, of the nursing mother. Light housekeeping, meals or legal proceedings following the arrival of ababy can be delegated to a partner or family member to help.

4.Caring food: The lack of time available to parents during the first weeks at home is the cause of that, in many cases, first-time parents neglect their diet and gain unhealthy habits like eating fast and untimely. We must try not to skip meals and not speed them up too. And, of course, ask for help from the family.

5.Take advantage of the experience of others: A mother, a brother or a friend who has been through the same situation can be helpful for new parents during the first weeks. Your experience will be very useful to learn basics of baby care, such as those on bathing, breast feeding or artificial feeding and how to soothe crying, among others.

6.No lock themselves at home: Except when directed by the specialist, once the mother and baby were discharged from the hospital, parents can go out together on a regular basis to take short walks, but always have to apply prudence and common sense to avoid unnecessary risks on the ride. These outputs would enhance the baby, the parents will assist the mother to relax and begin to lose weight after childbirth.

Instinct, love and common sense to 'survive' :
Leaving the hospital after delivery and return with the newborn child to the home is often a relief for experienced parents. However, gilts couples (55%) out number those that are not. And these need, urgently, to learn some tips for coping with the first few weeks.

The best weapon that parents have is their own instinct

The best weapon that mothers and fathers have to face the first days of your baby at home is their instinct. This, coupled with the intense daily living that experience with your child during the first few weeks are the best instructions for taking care of your baby. The prestigious British psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott, who studied in depth the relationship between mother and infant, baptized

the maternal instinct with the name of "primary maternal capacity", which he described as an instinctive deployment depends neither knowledge nor intellectual capacity of the mother and that, therefore, neither be taught nor can learn.
According to this expert, this capability maternal causes every way exalt the woman to control the baby, which would lead to neglect, completely, the remaining issues.

Most common problems baby we should know:

For more than 258,000 mothers (and their partners) who gave birth in 2011 to her first child back home, instead of relief, could make a big concern and fear of not knowing how to act and react to the needs of your baby no longer able to identify any signs of danger. And is that the neonatal period, comprising the first 28 days of a baby's life, is considered by the World Health Organization as the most vulnerable stage for small. Therefore, it is advisable that new parents seek the advice and help of health professionals, both during pregnancy and during the post partum hospital stay, to solve and discuss any concerns.

The most common problems that may occur in infants during the first months and the tips on how act in each case.

1.Fever: when it detects that the baby's temperature is above 38º C,  its hould go to the pediatric ward for observation.
2.Fungi in the mouth: If there are spots or white patches (known asthrush) that cover the inside of the mouth, and sometimes his tongue, talk to your pediatrician to indicate the most appropriate treatment.
3.Vomiting and depositions: It is normal for small regurgitate some milk after feedings, but if the vomit is issued with great force in large numbers, you should go to the pediatric consultation. Meanwhile, the pace and consistency of stools are variable, but if the stool is hard as balls, the baby may be constipated, so you should see your doctor.
4.Chafing: Care must irritations of the skin covering the diaper,  produced by moisture of feces and urine.
5.Nasal obstruction: When the mucus clogging his nose, so that the baby breathe better, can be cleaned with saline and aspirate the mucus with a bulb syringe or nasal aspirator.

Tantrums: tricks to overcome

The tantrum is a normal reaction to frustration small to be corrected as soon as possible . In many homes the living room and every day drops to the floor, kicking and screaming nonstop when they get what they want and the worst is that this scene is not an exceptional situation but has become an everyday occurrence. Experts say that small two to four years through the tantrum expressed frustration with asituation that is not to their liking. This attitude, however, can lose many parents nerves, more if it takes place in a public space. Therefore, psychologists say the child tantrum should be corrected assoon as possible to prevent it from becoming a tool in the hands of children, with the little achieved everything he wants.

•The child's tantrum: what is that?

The tantrum is defined as a big annoyance on many occasions accompanied a violent weeping.The usually small scream of a disproportionate way, drop, twist and even get to beat their parents or put a shocking face of hatred.This child often triggers anxiety reaction and alteration by the parents, especially when this takes place in a public space and little bother other people with your attitude. Little is unable to control his feelings overwhelm him, and therefore responds explosively.

The desencadenase tantrum because something can not come out as expected or not having the necessary skills. Anger arises also when an adult child keeps doing what he wants, or the parent does not respond to their demands. The small fatigue is another common cause of tantrums.

•Can avoid tantrums?

In these situations the task of parents is to guide the child's behavior and show that this is not the right way to express your anger, fatigue or discomfort. The goal should be to understand that neither the small nor kicking cries are an effective tool to get what they crave. The main premise that should lead the response of the parents before a tantrum is to not give up. That is, do not give in to the reaction of the littleflashy, nor give him what he asks. Is the goal? Demonstrate the little that their strategy is not working.

Tips to minimize tantrums

•Ignore the small: Ignore the child can be successful with a tantrum.The child knows that without an audience that will watch the effect of his cries and screams is null. If the tantrum occurs in your home, simply leave the room where the small, not without telling you that attitude is inadequate and that "return" when he settles down. The tantrums are also common inpublic places like the park, the supermarket, or while walking. These scenarios can give back to young to realize that they will not get anything with the tantrum. It is recommended to take elsewhere ifsignificantly annoying to people around you.

•The power of words: Reasoning with a child in the midst of a tantrum may be impossible. It is likely that the child does not listen to anything I say. It is more effective to wait until the anger passes: you should talk to the child about what happened and show that things can be solved in different ways to complain. Positive reinforcement is one of the keys to waive the child's tantrums. If the next time the child is faced with a difficult situation the child opts for dialogue, rather than the tantrum, is key to congratulate you on that.

•Recognize the causes of the tantrum: tantrum Identify triggers the child is essential to help baby to master his emotions. Children who use the tantrum to express their frustration tend to intensify their reaction in certain situations, such as when they are tired or hungry.Parents aware of these circumstances can avoid the tantrum if, in identifying these symptoms in their children, they liedown and let them rest for a while.

•Better safe: Knowing the child's reactions can help parents to escape from anger. This is not giving in to the small dip but effective tools, such as dialogue. A parent who knows that before a particular order, the child will respond to a tantrum should anticipate: must try to reason with the little they trigger anger. If, for example, go to a store where thereare goodies, and the child knows if not buy everything he asks, before entering must be negotiated with the child. An effective treatment can be just agree that you will buy a treat and, if tantrum will not get any.

Four essential tips

1.Unityis strength: Before the child's tantrum, all adults should respond equally. If one gives, the strategies do not prove effective.

2.It should stay calmand not get angry or shout. Thus, only get the child to see that parents emulate his attitude.

3.A childish tantrum can be very annoying to outsiders who witnessit. Should apologize to them and do everything possible to try toalleviate the nuisance.

4.Reinforce positive attitudes of children and reward him with gestures of affection and appreciation when little alone avoid tantrums. Gradually, the small learn to control their emotions and respond appropriately to frustration.


Costumes for Kids: 12 ideas homemade, simple and cheap

Costumes make at home is a great opportunity to play and do crafts with the kids

Carnival is one of the most popular holidays. And perhaps also the most fun, because it excites children and adults a a like. At this time, each other disguise, pretending to be someone else: historical characters, superheroes, monsters, athletes, rock stars ...The list is almost endless, as wide as the imagination, and this is an essential resource to design a costume. While there are many shops to buy or rent a costume, there is nothing more entertaining, creative and tailor it funto try at home. Further more, it is cheaper and allows for collaboration of children, who will be happy to do crafts. In this report, we offer12 ideas to create practical and simple fun costumes for them. And with them.

For many people, the Carnival begins when they arrive at the party disguised character they like. For others, begins before: when choosing a character and imagine how to recreate it. What materials are needed? How to make this costume? Fantasizing options can be great fun, especially if there are children to dress up, then gives us a great opportunity to play with them to dream. Never mind that we are not a "handyman", we have a tight budget or that the result is not that ofa professional designer: with few materials can make things very nice and the kids appreciate that space of creativity.

1.The Mad Scientist :
This costume is simple because the child can dress as you like. What matters is that, over the clothes, wear arobe or white coat. If we do not (or can not get), we can also assert a white shirt that fits big (father or grandfather), in which case we double the sleeves to fit the size of your body. The costume ons are: toy glasses (or a real frame), a couple of pens to place on the front pocket and aplastic bottle with lid (sold in pharmacies to collect urine samples), that can fill with liquid color (not toxic), a rubber spider, etc. The final touchto give a little gel, because the idea is to bring the hair up and a little messy. Another option for the latter is to buy a white wig, Einstein style

2.A cat Recreating a cat is easy:

For the body, we only need a black shirt with long sleeves and tights of the same color. In the foot, the child can wear boots or shoes (the color you have, no need to go shopping) and hands, gloves to match the shoes. The ears, in a triangle, are made ​​from black construction paper and glued to a thin tiara to hold them easily to mind. Queue structure can be made ​​with awire(to form and maintain a certain rigidity) . What for ramos with black clothor black panty and fill it with whatever we have on hand (most cloth, paper, cotton ...) to give some consistency.Abelt, or slightly more elasticwire around the waist suffice to bond the tail to the body. The last step is to simulate the muzzle and whiskers, which can be painted in the face with apencil eyeliner.


This beloved character for children has a substantial advantage: it is multifaceted.Thus, the structure only requires a large cardboard box, which is available at the supermarketor at a store in the neigh borhood, as they tend to get rid of them. The box is SpongeBob's body, so the child must fit inside. The first step is to make a hole in the top and two on the sides for the small can get over there head and arms. On the merits of the case (the part that faces down), should remove it entirely, so the child can easily move and walk. Everything else is decoration. It will be necessary to line the box of yellow paper and pasted overpaper circles that mimic the spongy texture of Bob. With the same technique we can make the eyes and a pen to draw enough eyelashes. The pantaloncillo also easy to do: it lines the bottom with brown paper and draw up the pockets and belt.Ready!

4.Caught by lightning:

To make this costume must be a prior question: what would look if westruck by lightning? Almost certainly, the first image that comes to mind we will look charred, with lots of scratches. Well, materializing the concept is very simple. We take a shirt or sweater old child (if light in color, the better), we make several cuts and scratches, and add some black spots, which provide the appearance of being burned. To make these spots we can use apiece of coal, someashes, dust the graph of a pencil or a piece of acork, if prior to ennegrecer burn. The following is also stain the face and hands of small, and draw a few scratches on them (with alip liner pencil). As in the guise of science, thehair is key here. The idea is mussing, beat it a little and use some hair spray to set the "look". To complete the illusion, the best addition is an old umbrella, we can end up damaged if wring some rods and spotted fabric.

5.Make the Indian:

Many children like to "do the Indian", but we know how to turn them into one? The most practical way is to design the costumes make a poncho, which can be done with cloth, burlap, crepe paper or large plastic bag yellow (the latter only if the child is a few years and be a ware of the hazardous material, other wise it is better to use the other options to prevent accidents). Once you choose the material, we take a rect angle and fold it in half. Each half will be one side of the poncho (front and rear), so that, in the fold, it will take a cut in "V" for the small to pass by his head. The poncho surface is decorated with brightly colored lines (red, yellow, blue) following geometric shapes to facilitate the task. These lines can be made ​​with colored tape, fabric (glued or sewn), with markers or paint most appropriate for the material used to build the poncho.The outfit is completed with abelt or a rope tied around the waist. For the head, use a fabric headband (or make arubber-eva) and add some feathers, vertically. In cheeks painted a "war lines" with lipstick and you're done!

6.Butterflies, fairies and angels:

Not that everything is equal, but we can group these characters because they share certain traits.The most important: the wings.One way is to make EVA,a very good material for how quickly we want.Otherwise, more laborious, is to use wire and cellophane. The first material to be more or less rigid, it will serve to shape the structure, the outline of the wings. The cellophane (whose transparency is ideal to mimic the fragility of a butterfly or a fairy) will use it to cover the surface of the wings, sticking to the edges we have done with wire. Duct tape is a good choice for this. If we want to recreate an angel, you must replace the paper with white feathers. We can buy a pair of feather boas, or do an imitation with many strips of white paper cut into oval. To attach the wings to the body, it's best to use a pair of elastic straps or thick,like a back pack. As for the body and accessories:

• The butterfly just need tights and a shirt of the same color-matching-wings and a tiara with a pair of antennas.

• For the fairy tights can also be used, although the ideal is to emulate an ethereal outfit. To do this, we use a basic tights and if we dare with needle and thread, make a skirt of chiffon or tulle, super imposing several layers. We just need some fabric, arubber band to hold it at the waist and glitter to give a little shine to creation. The ideal: some flowers in your hair.

• The angel dressed in white and with a piece of cloth, we can give a simple tunic to cover her body. One way to do is pick the fabric, tie two ends over one shoulder (at the best Greco-Roman) and use abelt (not too tight) to prevent the sides open. Another option is to make the gown the same way we would do a shirt with long sleeves and wide. In the head, the angel take an annulus can be done with a wire wreath lined with gold or silver, of which we use for the Christmas tree.

7.The Princess:

A white or pink dress the girl enough to start the costume. As with the fairies, we can make a long, gauzy over skirt to reach the ground. Suitable materials are chiffon and tulle, which decorate with glitter or small loops. At the waist, awide loopserve to cover the elastic joints fancy this skirt. The essential complement to the costume is acrown (there are plastic, very cheap) and some"gems" as bright bracelets and necklaces. A nice hair style and some makeup (if parents allow it, of course) make this illusion even more real.

8.The Wizard:

The classics never go out of style and this character is a good example. Can we make our children look like Merlin? Yes, and it's easy. The first is to make the costume, consisting of a dark blue tunic, long sleeves and wide, that it reaches to the feet. The best option for this is to buy an economic fabric, but can also be done with crepe paper (consider that is less resistant and, in all like lihood, will not survive the party). In any case, the blue tunic is decorated with silver stars. We can draw with a silver pen, glue and glitter them, sew them (if we have this color fabric) or glue, if we albal paper.

Ten Tips for washing baby clothes

During the first few months, it is essential to wash the baby's clothes separately with mild soap and no fabric softeners

Thebaby's skinis much more delicate and sensitive than adults, so it is necessary for parents to pay particular attention to washing and garment care and clothes that are in direct contact with it. During the first few months you shoulduse specific laundry detergent for babiesor delicate andavoid fabric softener and other additives. In any case, the baby's skin will show if a product thatwill produce a negative reaction.

Basic Guidelines

Before washing any garment, whether baby or adult, it is essential to follow some basic guidelines that promote the correct washing, prevent deterioration and prevent garments suffer any damage:
•Separate color: white clothes in the washing must separate that which presents strong or intense colors. Thus, it prevents clothes and color fade spoil the lighter.

•Separate by fabric type: Some garments are made ​​with delicate fabrics that require more care in washing. You should avoid clean these garments are more resistant to damage them, and follow these guidelines to clean thistype of specific tissues.

•Empty pockets: you need to check the pockets of the clothes are empty to prevent other elements or objects that can damage clothes washing interfere.

•Pay attention to the labels: the label contains the information necessary to care for the clothes properly. Importantly, the various symbols that indicate, among otherthings, the type of washing, the useof additives and guidelines recommended drying and ironing.

Specific tips for baby clothes

1.All clothing: applying guidelines washing baby clothes should not just limited to clothing, it is also important to pay attention to the washingof beddingwhich is touching the baby, and with other items such as gauze, bibs or stuffed animals.

2.Independent Washing: during the first six months, you should wash the baby's clothes separately from other garments of people living in the home. This is particularly advisable to avoid contact with dirt extreme or dangerous products that may contain other clothes.One can also use protective clothes bag.

3.Delicates: more delicate clothes (asincluding embroidery, beading or lace) and which is made ​​more sensitive fabrics (like silk) Hand washing is preferable to prevent damage or break the contact with other clothes in the washer.

4.Woolens: washing wool clothing baby can be performed by hand or,if desired, in the washing machine on a gentle cycle for delicate or specific to wool. Pay special attention tothe washing temperature, which must be kept warm. On drying, it is bestnot to hang clothesand let it dry on a flat surface (can be placed under a towel to absorb moisture) so they do not stretch or deform.

5.Remove any tough stains: baby clothing is stained with stool frequency, leftovers or vomiting that must be add ressed befor eproceeding with normal washing.It is important to act quickly so that the stain does not dry out and put the garment so aked with a little soap to remove dirt more important.

6.Soap Type: during the first months is recommended to use both hand washing and machine, a special soap for delicate or specific baby. As the baby grows from about six months you may introduce other detergents and apply them first on a single garment to check that it has no negative reaction on the baby's skin.

7.Using softeners and additives: bothsoftening and other additives that are often used for clothes (bleach and other cleaning fluid) may contain chemicals harmful to the delicate skin of newborn baby, especially if there are remains afterwashing. You can avoid the use of these products in the first months and then gradually incorporate by tests on a single garment.

8.Hand Washing: When washing clothes by hand is necessary to payspecial attention to the final rinse to avoid leaving traces of soap or detergent on the clothes.

9.Machine wash: if possible, you can use a program that includes double rinse to prevent remaining detergent residue on clothing. When accumulated baby clothes is not enough to charge the entire washing program can choose a reduced charge.

10.Ironing: many baby clothes do notneed ironing but when so, avoid using very high temperatures in the iron that can damage delicate garments which are composed of sensitive tissues.

Save on toys Reyes: nine ideas for making them at home

The homemade gifts, besides being cheap, allow children to participate in its manufacturing and create good times shared between parents and children

Making Christmas toys at homemakes parents spend good time withtheir children, thus streng thening thebond between them.

In addition,economic activity is in the child and encourages the habit of recycling and reusing every day materials.

This article brings together nine ideas for making homemade toys,from puzzles with popsicle sticks and stilts cans to eva rubber animals or trucks, rail cars and cardboard.

Anticrisis toys to give away and save on Reyes and Santa Claus.Christmas gifts are inexpensive homemade ecological awareness and educate the child

Manufacturers estimated that Christmas is purchased 75% of the toys sold throughout the year.

However,homemade toys have their charm, for several reasons.For one thing, smaller and offer the possibility to manufacture adult game elements together.
And these shared moments serve tostrengthen the bond.

Furthermore, these toys can be made with different materials in house.

And it has a double advantage: theyare economic and ecological awareness educate the child, based on the reuse of items.

Here are nine ideas to explain Christmas toys with very cheap materials and everyday.

1.Puzzles with popsicle sticks
The puzzes made ​​with popsicle sticksare very original.
And make it as simple as collecting several sticks and then decorate them with a fun drawing, asexplained Peque entertainment portal.

Moreover, as both sides can benefit from the sticks, each puzzle is forearmed.
And no need to be an accomplished artist, as the decorationcan be very simple.

2.Wooden Puzzles:
A little more complicated to make wooden puzzles are proposingBlog crafts.
For this it is necessary to haveawooden table, a saw, watercolors and markers.
The number of parts, size and degreeof difficulty will depend on the age ofthe children to whom it is intended.

3.Wooden horses:
The horses are a classic among children's toys, can compete with any modern toy, more technological.
How to replace the fantasy of feeling the wind in your face when riding a horse?
The basic element is amore or less long pole,whose length should be some what less than the height of the child.
The task is to give the horse a head, which can be made ​​with asock stuffed with wool,cotton or fabric scraps, assuggested on the website or in the craft blogmy only son.

4.Matching Game or"memotest":

There are other classic games, whichare always fun and you can add value to their own small have participated in its elaboration.
One is the set of couples or "memotest", with pieces that have a picture on one side face.
These are placed face down and you have to turn them over in pairs to find the drawings equal.
At Christmas, a matching game or homemade memotest may include photographs of children

Pictures can be taken from other parts or custom created: animals, fruits, household items, acquaintances.
The children and parents themselves may be included in the images, which gives the game an extra component of fun.


Another traditional game for which it is possible to make at least one of its parts reused elements is bingo, but without prize money.The beads can beplastic caps, in which paint the number pen.However, to ensure transparency, all covers must be of the same shape and size.

6.Stilts :
The stilts of canscan provide many hours of enjoyment (teach them incrafts).
Beware: the smallest will fall much to play with them. But when they are slightly larger, especially on grass and open spaces, enjoy a lot of his adventures on his stilts cans.Additionally, you can decorate with pictures they like.

7.Trucks, trains and cars :
Making trucks, trains and cars cardboard(frommilk cartons, juice, shoes,etc..) Has the magic to turn aneveryday object that usually disposed in a toy capable of carrying far the imagination.
In addition to the boxes, using other household materials like plastic caps and pens, for the wheels of the truck or colored paper and ribbons to decorate the train cars .
You can also create authentic Formula 1 racing cars with cardboard tubes fromtoiletrolls and kitchen.

An hourglass is for home games, with limited time to act , Two plastic bottlescan create an hourglass as detailed homemadecrafts children. Plus it looks nice, canbe used to teach the child the time units (hours, minutes, seconds).

The hourglass also works as an adjunct to other games, in which each participant has a limited time tomake decisions and act (chess, checkers or board games).

9.Toy Animals:

The EVA offers many possibilities to create, from simple sheets of the material multiple ways. One option is the colorful

Another animal is very easy to make asnake or worm with corks.Simply provide himself with a good dose of plugs, cut and make a hole in the center to pass a rope through.

They can be painted in bright colors to make them more fun for children.


Outdoor play improves a child's imagination

The activities in open spaces provide physical benefits to the child and help develop their creativity and sociability

Video games, the lack of parental time and shortage of green areas are factors that make children spend less time in nature than they need. However, since they are newborns, they need to spend time outdoors as outdoors games stimulate children's creativity. Experts consider it essential that small are active in open space, and recommend it for at least an hour a day. Among other advantages, the outdoors encourages children's autonomy.

Many doctors stress the importance of children to spend time outdoors ,Because, among other advantages, promotes child's creativity, Autonomy and social relationships. Modern life, however, seems to conspire against this need: the lack of parks and open areas in cities, lack of parental time-working many hours a day, as well as developing game attractive increasingly contribute to the children tend to spend much time indoors. These activities also tend to encourage sedentary habits of children. And that is something to be avoided.

The games open spaces stimulate children's creativity
The activities in open spaces stimulate the curiosity of children and require them to think creatively
The outdoor game provides benefits to the child in the psychological and mental child, Though perhaps not always be obvious. These activities require children to think in a creative Stimulate their curiosity and forces them to make decisions and solve problems through their imagination.

Overall, the house, and even public spaces for games such as playgroups or playgrounds, are organized. In the natureHowever, the child faces an open space, where the limits for the games and activities have to put himself, with their creativity and imagination.

The nature provides childAlso the opportunity to have social interactions with other small quality of their age, or the like. Many children, especially those without siblings, need to get out of the home environment to bond with other peers, and begin to have contacts and relationships.

Newborns need to walk outdoors

Children can enjoy the outdoors almost from birth. A report doctor prepared by the Joint Commission on Area 10 Pediatrics Hospital of Getafe, Madrid, concludes that newborn can go for a walk since arriving home, which "is a stimulus for the development of the child".

This group of pediatricians recommended, however, that in winter the outputs are for infants "soledas hours" and with the baby well wrapped. By contrast, in summer field trips must be made during less hot, and with the small light clothes.

The child needs the incidence of the sun for your body to synthesize vitamin D which requires
It is important that also the child receive sunlight. Its action is necessary for your skin to synthesize vitamin D, Which causes, among other things, that their bones requiring calcium assimilated. However, we must take some precautions when it comes to exposing the small sun: The Babies have very sensitive skin, so summer can not receive the direct impact of its rays directly.

The outdoors fosters the child's autonomy

As the child grows, treat the child develop a taste for activities active leisure: Be in contact with the open and nature will allow you to experiment with the five senses his relationship with the outside world.

-Or crawl-walk on the grass, feeling different textures, smells, temperatures and hear the different sounds of nature, give the baby a world of knowledge that will stimulate their abilities, perceptions and imagination. Thus, the child will develop their own games, and, therefore, to develop its autonomy.

Outdoor activities help improve mood and help children avoid becoming overweight
Playing in open spaces outdoors, provides also for the possibility of children exercise while having fun. The children have more room to move, walk and run, and, therefore, consume more power. Outdoor physical activities contribute to avoid childhood overweight, A problem that affects one in Spain in four children.

Physical activity also allows small release endorphins, making them relax and combat anxiety. That is, the outdoor activities help improve the mood of children. Also makes them tired and at night can sleep better.

A sedentary lifestyle, overall child problem

The problem of the lack of activity in the children affects most of the Western world. A report published in April 2012, notes that in the United States, almost half of the children does not engage with his parents outdoors on a daily basis. Experts, however, recommend that children get at least one hour of physical activity a day.

What matters, then, is to combine the activities taking place indoors with activities open, So that children to create their own games, develop their creativity, strengthen social bonds, and also healthier.

From crib to bed: when and how to take the step

The change to the bed should be done when the child is between two and three years old, measures about 90 centimeters and acquired skill to get out of the crib

The transition from the crib to bed marks a before and after in the child's autonomy. For a transfer takes place without trauma, and does not create major problems, it is necessary find the best time to make him understand the change, choose the right bed care home safety and maintaining sleep habits.

1. Find the best time

There is no minimum age or a ceiling for the child to spend the crib to bed: Each case is unique. However, in most, the change occurs between two and three years old and it usually marks also the small size.

A baby of 90 centimeters, which can scale, is ready to sleep in the bed

states that the general rule is "that if a baby is about 90 inches and you can climb and get out of the crib, you are ready to sleep in the bed. "Although, as noted by the pediatrician," some children are very agile and get the bars jump before reaching that point, while others are lazy and do not even try. "

For children more nervous, transfer to bed should be mainly to preserve small safety and prevent injury occur when you try to leave the crib.

At other times, however, changing the baby of the crib to bed can mark the need to leave the cradle Free for a new family member. This time, it's best not to match the move with the arrival of a new brother. The step should be done "in a time when the child is calm" in no case should match for the little big moments, as the beginning of the nursery, the arrival of a sibling or a change of address.

2. Make him understand change
The removal of the child from the crib to bed implies a marked change for the small
The transfer of the child from crib to bed involves a significant change to the small. To accept it without problems, it is recommended talk to him and explain the reason for the new situationWith arguments like "it's more and, therefore, going to sleep from now as the biggest" or "has grown so much that you need more space for him and his puppets".

It is also necessary to make him see that the greatest freedom of movement acquired with the bed does not mean you should get out of it continually, but must learn to respect their sleep and others and just getting up when you have to go to the bathroom (if you're ready for it) or for other important needs.

3. Choosing the right bed

The new bed where sleep the child Parents must provide the same security as the cradle. So should consider a few points:

  • that has no sharp corners to avoid dangerous blows to the child.
  • preferably have a height appropriate for the little one can get in and out of her comfort.
  • is advisable to place, at first, a security fence on the sides, to prevent possible falls to the ground overnight.
  • if you have bars on the headboard, the distance between them should make it impossible for the small may be trapped.
4. Care home security

As soon as the child passes the bed It is necessary to take precautions at home to ensure safety in case of lift only at night. One must be aware that what once could not represent any danger, if you can have it now. Some guidelines to consider are:

  • be careful to keep the windows closed you can access easily.
  • close the front door locked.
  • make available no toxic elements or sharp objects and dangerous.
  • leave a small light on to avoid tripping and become disoriented when you get up.
Keep sleeping habits

Regarding the transition from crib to bed, that "it is essential that the change occurs when little has already acquired habit of sleeping well." This is important, especially to prevent the night becomes a continuous parents wandering the small room, or vice versa, the child of his parents.

In this respect, it is advisable to keep the same sleep routines which were taken when the child was sleeping in the crib.

  1. No change times and maintain the same guidelines (such dinner-bath-bed).
  2. Let him sleep in the same way, with his usual stuffed or object that help you sleep.
  3. At first, you can cover them with blankets or quilts in the crib so your feelings do not vary much.
  4. If parents before you read a story when he went to the crib, can now read in bed to associate your new sleeping environment with a nice moment of their routine.


Tips for overcoming tantrums and rages


The tantrum is a normal reaction of children to frustration, but should be corrected as soon as possible

Drops to the floor, kicking and screaming nonstop. Tantrums and tantrums in response to some kind of frustration occur more or less frequently in children between two and four years. This attitude, which can waste many parents nerves, more if it takes place in a public space, should be corrected as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming a weapon in the hands of children to achieve what they want.

Which should tantrums

Tantrums are one of the resources used by children between two and four years to express their frustration with different circumstances, either because something does not go as expected for not having the necessary skills, because it prevents them from doing what they want, are cansandos or not answer all their demands as required.

The tantrum includes, usually screaming, crying, kicking, and even some real shots. So therefore causes nervousness and impaired parents. If above is triggered in a public place and little bother other people with your attitude, the situation can become embarrassing.

Can avoid tantrums?

notes that these situations are not something unusual: "You have to give, since children do these things because not count what happens." So the psychologist notes that the work of parents is to "guide their behavior and teach the child that this is not the right way to express your anger, fatigue or discomfort."

The aim should be that the child understands that even with tears or with kicking things are achieved. Thus, the main premise that parents must address is not yieldIe, not give in and give him what he asks for and prove that their strategy is not working and that the next time you use it will be the same.

Strategies to minimize tantrums
  • Ignore: ignorance can be successful with a tantrum because the child knows that if he does not have public notice, its effect is nil. If the tantrum takes place at home, simply leave the room where is the child, not without telling you that attitude is inappropriate and will be back when finished. If you are in a public space, you can give back to young to realize that you do not get anything with the tantrum or move to another place, in the event that significantly disturb people around you.
  • The power of words: reason with a child in the midst of a tantrum is a mission impossible, is not likely to hear anything of what they say. However, once you finish the tantrum, you must small talk with about what happened and show that things can be solved in different ways to complain. If the next time the child chooses to dialogue rather than the tantrum, it is essential to congratulate.
  • Avoid dangerous situations: abusing children tantrums tend to intensify in certain situations, such as when they are tired or hungry. Savvy parents can avoid this situation if the above symptoms in your children go to bed and let them rest awhile or feed them at the right time.
  • Better safe: knowledge of their children's reactions can help parents prevent tantrums situations. If you know that with a determined refusal order or the child will respond with a temper tantrum, you should anticipate and try to reason with them before. If you will go to a store where candy and know that the baby kicks if he is not buying everything he asks, before entering, you can "negotiate" with the little that you just buy a treat and that, if tantrum will not get any.
Four essential tips
  1. Given a tantrum, both parents must respond equally. If one gives, the strategies do not prove effective.
  2. It should stay calm and not get angry and yell. Thus, just get the child to see that parents emulate his attitude.
  3. Apologize to the people upset with your child tantrum and do everything possible to minimize this discomfort.
  4. Reinforce positive attitudes and gestures of affection reward and recognition when the child alone avoid the tantrums and act appropriately to a frustration.

How to get the baby to say "goodbye" to the diaper

The key is not pressed, with some technical help ... and patience

Each mother and father asks him not once, but twice, three ... on countless occasions as the baby grows: how can you stop using the diaper? This issue has many sides, related to the stages of child development, with the fatigue generated by the parents, with the economic ... No foolproof recipes, but there are a number of techniques to promote the baby leaves the diaper as soon as possible and in the most natural.

No scolding

First and foremost, however much it is deemed that the child is old enough to leave the diaper, and severe fatigue that causes the issue, which you should never do is to scold or insist too much on the subject. The result of doing so may be just the opposite of what is intended, that is, it can cause trauma to the child, with the result that cost much more then put aside the diaper. So rule number one is: patience.

Furthermore, we must distinguish between two very different: stop using the diaper during the day is not the same as leaving the night, to sleep. The daytime diaper is easier to leave and children much earlier, for the night, the time to let it take even years.

Leave the diapers during the day

The most widely recommended by experts for children to stop wearing diapers during the day is simple. It consists of taking the small to sit on the potty every hour and let it do what you have to do. It is a way to create the habit. Sometimes you may not want and will not do anything, and if so, no problem: after about five minutes, to pull up his pants and move on.

Some issues that often help:
  • The child has his own potty. Thus, will recognize it as a special place where you will go when you feel the need. We recommend a small potty appropriate to their size, and no special caps that are used to adapt the standard toilet, as this is more uncomfortable, you have to climb at least a stepping stone, etc. The idea is to pave the way as much as possible.
  • Being with him and help get distracted. For this, it is best to always have some books about appealing to small, large, colorful images. So, "go potty" will be related to the small moment with a pleasant and even fun.
  • Have more patience with poop than pee. Doctors say that children have a harder stool because unconsciously associate it with "letting go" of their own, a part of themselves. But it is nothing terrible: even if it takes a little longer, naturally will do so too slowly.
  • Give small prizes if you avoid soiling and alerts you when you win. Something to eat that you really like or a trip to the park can be an excellent motivation for the issue is pending and not let yourself be.

When you start implementing these resources? It depends on each case, but in general the two years is a good age to stop using small diaper during the day. In some cases, even a year and a half and can begin to notice every time I need, which greatly facilitates the job of parenting.

At night costs more

The process of giving diapers to sleep more costly. You have to think of it as a long-term, as there are also fewer tricks and recommendations ... and need (even) more patience.

The basics are always take to make pee before bedtime. Of course, this is not enough for you then be several hours without urinating, especially when you consider that many small have a greater need to do at night than during the day. But it helps.

It is also recommended not to drink liquids in the last two hours before bedtime. Thus, the pressure to urinate at night will be less. Some doctors also suggest small wake in the middle of the night so they can pee, but many against it, as this disrupts their sleep and proper rest and can reveal them. So, that may be the remedy worse than the disease.

Otherwise ... only remains to wait until, with the passage of time, sphincter control during wakefulness have also extends into sleep. If you spend a week without a wet diaper at night, may be a good time to take it off. However, there are children who, by "lazy", are "demanding" the diaper at night without needing it but take time of day, even when napping.

This kind of unconscious mechanism makes it not uncommon, for example, a child who takes long time without wetting it does just the day when his parents decide to sleep without a diaper ... So that the kids should continue to use the diaper at night until the situation is definitely controlled, otherwise, nocturnal incidents can also generate some kind of trauma in them.

And patience, more patience. The need to wear diapers to sleep can be up to 4 or 5 years old ... If for the 6's still needed, it will be time to consult a specialist. No panic or exaggerated concern, because sooner or later you can control. As the wounds, it's nothing that time will not come to remedy.

Nine steps to prevent child domestic accidents

The fragility of small, combined with his boundless curiosity and his difficulty in understanding the dangers, risk rises with household mishaps

The statistics are clear: by age, the group most affected by domestic accidents is that encompasses people aged 25 to 44, and the least affected, that of young children (up to age 4) . However, this does not mean they should relax the measures at home to avoid such mishaps. Keep in mind that small make up the most vulnerable group and that his enormous curiosity, coupled with their limited understanding, can cause more of a headache.

Simple and useful actions to prevent childhood accidents

Accidents involving children often do not cause hospital admissions, but this does not detract risk. It is therefore appropriate to implement a number of simple precautions that give very quietly at the thought of the welfare of the children at home.

The advice
  1. Talking to children. While not always be able to understand the gravity of their actions somehow must inculcate certain behaviors and warn of certain risks, always clear and simple words, you know. It is important to consider that children can remember everything you tell an adult at any time. If to make the small take some medicine easier adults are called "candy", it is possible that, at the slightest opportunity, the child seeks to take those "forbidden candy." So, you can never neglect the responsibility of adults to behaviors of children.
  2. Do not leave them alone Especially when they are very small. If parents are away from home, it is advisable to seek out someone to accompany and monitor their children. As children grow, this rule can be relaxed.
  3. Use monitoring mechanisms or intercom. That technology exists. The intercom (audio only both as audio and video) are acquired for very affordable prices and give a big advantage to keep small controlled.
  4. Ensure that household doors and windows remain securely closed and children do not have easy access to them. This also includes the doors and drawers of the cabinets, especially the kitchen. Different safety locks prevent children from gaining access to dangerous tools, chemicals and glassware, among others.
  5. Corroborate the electrical connections meet all safety requirements and that are not within the reach of small appliances cords are supported on the furniture (like irons, mixers or sound). Watch also the handles of pots and pans, and the ends of the cloth, so the child can tug to pull the objects that are on it, it would fall over the child and would hit or burn.
  6. Do not leave children in elevated surfaces and / or many steps or slopes to prevent falling and hitting.
  7. Toys and objects to handle, especially babies, should have a minimum size to avoid that, in the event that they should be put in the mouth, choking them.
  8. As the child grows, straight edges and cover the edges and points of furniture according to their action (especially height and, consequently, the height of the head), as they can cause wounds and injuries.
  9. It is very important fix the furniture to the wallAbove all, the cabinets can become unstable and tip over the ground, such as shelves, shelves and cabinets. There are numerous anchors to prevent with a simple tug, furniture falling on children and crushed him.
If despite all this attention is an accident, you should immediately call medical emergency telephone for instructions on how to proceed. It is worth remembering a few basic recommendations:
  • The first: if the child has fallen and is unconscious, avoid moving, although he can entertain with blankets.
  • The second: in case of burns, it is best not to apply liquid or ointment gauze, only cold tap water.

Children and clothing: three steps to dress themselves

Children must learn to dress themselves, a very important aspect to gain autonomy, feel more independent and strengthen their self-esteem

Depending on the ability of each and their level of maturity, between two and six years, children should learn to dress themselves. It is the next "big step" after leave the diaper. In addition to being a time saver for parents, the acquisition of this skill represents an important advance in autonomy, which helps bolster confidence in their own abilities and feel more independent. To facilitate this task, among other things, parents should respect each child's individual pace, teach them in a fun and entertaining and help only when needed.

1. Allow children to develop their autonomy
  • Step by step: can not expect a child to learn at the same time to put all the clothes because some need a certain ability or skill to put them. It is better to structure the task at different stages, depending on their level of difficulty. During the first few weeks, you can leave that you only underwear and socks, gradually introduce new elements.
  • No end for him: delay before the children to wear, it is common for parents to be who end up placing most small clothes. Thus, children lose the motivation to perform the task of dressing themselves and take long to learn to put some clothes well.
  • Give them time: at first, and even that strengthen their skills, it is normal to be slower. Hurry to get his or berate his delay in these cases will only serve to put them nervous and frustrated with. At the beginning of learning, it is best to choose times when you have no hurry (and weekends) and, later, if necessary, restructure and raise the child hours earlier so that time is not a discordant element.
  • Provide assistance when requested: is important not show overprotective attitudes, or help immediately perceived as a small difficulty placed a garment. It is advisable to let them try and help themselves only if they request it. At that time, it is advisable to explain step by step how to do it, and even let them do it later, so that the next time will not have much difficulty.
  • Do not break the rule: Once the child has learned to dress himself, we must respect their autonomy provided by all adults. That is, it does not leave you with one parent is seen by himself and, in parallel, the other will offer to help. Neither should clothe when time is scarce.
2. Simple and neat clothing to make it easier
  • For younger children, it is preferable to start let alone to dress in clothes that do not have closures (elastic waist pants, dresses without buttons, sweatshirts, etc..).
  • When you gain more skill, it's time to try simple fasteners (Velcro or snaps) and book by the end closures "harder" as buttons, laces or zippers.
  • Give them clues on each garment to avoid making mistakes. Should indicate that the tag must be behind the clothes in the back, while the drawing of a shirt or a shirt pocket have to see ahead and seams should be always inside.
  • Prepare the clothes in the order they should be placed: underwear, shirt and pants (or skirt or dress) and finally, sweaters and coats. Thus, the child will avoid improperly superimposed garments and needed to start over.
  • Dressing in front of the television or in a room with many distractions can slow enough to small. Parents should ensure that the child is dressed in a quiet environment, without elements that prevent you from concentrating on the task.
3. Tricks and fun tips for children to dress themselves
  • Painting a letter in the templates of shoes or half of a drawing in each of them, so that when put together properly instructed what goes on each foot.
  • Organize competitions with the brothers to see who gets put each piece in less time.
  • Inventing songs with clothing, which may give clues about the best way to position each.
  • One of the best ways to train is to plan an evening of costume play they have to be themselves.
  • Dressing up dolls or put clothes help a younger brother will help them learn and build self-esteem.
  • The puzzles and games strung lace and small parts favor the development of motor skills necessary to handle more precise elements of dress.

The beach develops the Baby creativity

On the beach, everything is new for babies. And while we must take Many precautions ,May be an appropriate place for the baby to have fun, either with their own toys or sand, taking their first steps or helping build castles. In the next article the games listed in the sands encourage the development of fine motor skills and creativity in children and explains why the sand is an optimum surface to help them walk.

The beach is a veritable new universe for baby, Which seems to discover a new world every day. Everything is different: the horizon, soil, people around ... It should be a lot of care and precautions to carry a baby to the beach. Your skin is very sensitive, so you must always be dressed and shade and prevent the small spend too much time on the beach and, in particular, during the hours when the sun's rays affect more intensely. But, in addition to taking the necessary measures to prevent, what can be done with a little boy in the beach?

The beach, at home

As the baby must be in the shade, you have to think of activities that can be done within a confined space. Many toys with the little fun at home can be a great tool for that, too, have a good time in the beach. And he will be happy that their dolls, balls and rattles have accompanied him.

The toys that the baby has fun at home also will have fun on the beach
A very useful resource on the beach is to use a foam carpet. At home, these surfaces provide a soft soil, friendlier to the baby takes its first steps and falls are less harsh and painful. On the beach the floor is not rigid, but the dangers are not limited to: sand is carried to the mouth or, conversely, that ends the mouth to the sand, which is everywhere. In addition, foam mats serve to prevent toys are buried in the sand, which reduces the risk of losing them.

The sand helps build fine motor skills of the little

The beach is an optimal setting for the baby begin to develop their coordination. "It is advisable to encourage the development of fine motor skills in babies," says Almudena Valle, speech therapist. Fine mobility refers to movements that require coordination important for small, as is the domain of the five fingers to pick up objects.

This type of motor normally evolves between 18 months and three years old, but you can work from before with various games. In particular, "Work with sand"Says Valle, help the little foster fine motor skills: shipments of sand, shells and filled containers are examples. If the sand is there to be seized.

Beach games that develop creativity Baby

Baby will enjoy while checking how to change the type of soil by treading on the beach
1. On the beach, children have so much fun with simple games, As an adult to lift when the water enters the beach. This game puts them in expectation and waiting for the next wave, because they know they will be raised in the air.
2. Near the shore, you can dig a small pit to operate as a single pool for the baby, where you can have fun without the problems caused by the waves. Moreover, regardless of the temperature of the water in the sea, that small amount of water will turn warm soon.
3. And also, of course, but babies are still small, we must help them the most classic game of beach: build sandcastles. It will be important to have a bucket, shovel, rake and plastic spoon, so that little can assist with transportation of sand, water and maybe some rocks, shells or small shells. It never hurts to remember the special care must be taken to prevent the child take any of these things in their mouths, as it could choke.

The results of the sand should be building with architectural feats. The child almost enjoy it more when demolishing it to build buildings. But that does not mean that there will be fascinated when his father or his mother placed a pile of wet sand in a bucket, turn and sand remains fixed, respecting the shape of the container. The baby does not have the ability to do so, but this action encourages creativity.

The first steps when you start walking on the beach

Sand is also a suitable surface for the baby being animated to take its first steps, offering stimulating ridges and irregularities in the feet touch the child and encourage him to continue. As the walks will lead an adult, they should go behind the largest baby and carrying or holding arms from above.

The small enjoy while checking how much change the type of soil on the steps: from the dry sand farther from the shore to the wet by the water just happened and where your feet will sink.

It is essential, however, have careful with the temperature: That the sand is not too hot or too cold water. Not only because of the damage they can cause in the moment, but the possible consequences that can result in long-term child, as fear of water.

Baby Laughter, infallible games to provoke

Babies smile even in the womb, a gesture that expresses welfare and, from the second half of life, satisfaction also. Laughter is a sign that the child enjoys good times and improves also your mood. The laughter has benefits for the baby explain that, in addition to enjoying the laughter when it occurs spontaneously, promote appropriate also. The following article lists infallible five games that they make the baby laugh.

Laughter is little sign that enjoys

The laughter is one of the main signs to know that someone is in good health and enjoying a good time, also generates many Positive effect in the body as it raises endorphin levels, increases heart rate and exercise muscles. In the case of the Laughing Baby, Is one of the most enjoyable and pleasant sounds that can be heard a father or a mother.

The baby begins to smile in the womb
During the first months of life, the baby do not laugh, but smiles. The Ultrasounds, For observing the child in the womb, show how small smile. And after birth, so do their sleep. These are gestures that reveal unconscious feelings of well being in the baby. About four or five months, start to make sounds like laughter and a few months later, his laugh and also expresses satisfaction.

The laughter has benefits for the baby
Baby Laughter strengthens the bond with parents
This explains why parents should not simply wait for the laughter spontaneous child But, also, be promote. This is important "not only for what it means to laugh in itself but also by generating bonding with parents," says Almudena logopeda Valley, Emeritus of Clinical Neuro, Merida.

The expert stresses how important it is to promote the bond with the baby. To do this, nothing better than a few games that cause the laughter of small and giant smiles in adults.

Five games that achieve infallible the baby laugh

The games designed to cause Laughing Baby should, as a rule, include eye contact between the child and the adult. Alternatives are infinitive: the limit is one's imagination and creativity. Should also be attentive to discover, sometimes by accident, gestures or situations that make the child laugh. It may be a face, imitating a movement, a word that is funny, etc..

The games listed below (some of them true classics), tend to be infallible when it comes to finding the baby laugh.

1. It is one of the classic games ,The adult is hidden and then reappears in the eyes of baby, Which explodes in a laugh. No need to go to another place to hide: just to cover your face with a handkerchief, with another object or even by hand. A finding that the person is still there, though not seen, is infallible: the small loves and can laugh for hours by repeating the trick.

For baby, check that the person is still there fascinating hidden
There is a variant: the simulated adult that something obstructs the view of the baby and, because of that, he is not. This version encourages small to assume a more active role, as it will start to move and make sounds to help you find adult.
2. The mirror. Is a variant of game above. The difference is that in this case, which is hidden and is not then reappears adult, but the image baby reflected in a mirror. Before their first birthday, the young tend to believe that the reflection you see is actually another child and, therefore, the mirrors are very attractive.

If the adult places the baby in the mirror, he departs and then put him back in front, the result will also cause your laughter. Can also introduce variants, such as changing the appearance of something baby, or your own (if also reflected). Some items that can help this "transformation" is a hat or scarf placed on the head, among others.
3. Tickle. This is very personal: each person feels the tickling to varying degrees and in different parts of his body. A few Babies like more than others. So it is up to the parents to know their children and learn what your favorite: soft caresses the neck or feet, kisses and raspberries on the belly, etc..

The next step is to up stories that end with a tickle. A classic is to create a narrative, what did each finger indicating "one found an egg, someone else cooked, another hair". In these cases, an action is improvised for the last finger as evidence that the story ends with a pleasant tickling the baby's body and, therefore, their guffaw.

Another possibility is situated at a distance of small and start counting from that position, the story of an animal that approaches another. While the adult continues his story, this is closer to the baby until he reaches. The story ends when the little laugh. These games fascinate the child, To enjoy, even more, of the previous expectation created, which tickled the end themselves.
4. Flights in the air. Is to raise the little guy safe and bring the sides to go different places, as if flying. At Babies I really like these rides. The first reaction, in general, be silent, and discovering new perspectives. The child begins to laugh when the "flight" begins to have incidents like abrupt descents, address changes, failed attempts to reach a goal and everything that the adult to direct the path comes to mind.
5. Whirlpool. Many kids love the water and enjoy when receiving a bath. Other small, however, do not enjoy their spare room in the same way, and this can cause Tantrums and moodiness. In all cases, but particularly the latter, you can find alternatives to make bath time fun.

Something that can help is to introduce toys in the tub (rubber ducks, sponges of different colors, etc..) But there is also this possibility: the tub. It takes a fairly large tube, which can be used as straw or blowgun. Introduces one end underwater and is blown through the other. The bubbles rise to the surface will make the baby, You'll want to catch them. If the end of the tube is placed attached to small bubbles will make tickle: the small laugh bath time and also be an amusement space.

Ten tips for children to do their homework

It is normal for children to resist doing homework at home. And this often leads to fights or anger that harm family life and the educational process. To avoid this, it should be noted some recommendations as certain routines and create enabling environments, support and encourage children as they perform tasks and review with them when they have finished. Compliance with these assumptions generates motivation and incentives that are critical for small. This article explains why it is important for children to do homework and collect ten tips to achieve it.

Why homework is important

Every so often resurfaces in the educational debate about whether the duties that teachers send children to make at home are beneficial or not, and in any case, how much homework is appropriate to entrust. Beyond the various opinions in this discussion, the fact is that today the duties are an essential part of the educational process of children. The existence of homework has several positive aspects: helps create habits of responsibility and discipline in small, strengthens their concentration, can reinforce what is learned in class during the day and also serves to strengthen the relationship between parents and children.

The problem is that children are often reluctant to spend time at home for homework. And the direct consequence of this fact are often fights, anger, stress and bad times that hurt children and adults in everyday life and in the educational process in general. Therefore, it should be noted the tips and techniques listed in the following Decalogue to encourage children to do their homework without problems and get the best results.

Ten Tips for children to do their homework
  1. Establish an appropriate place to do homework. There have to be at a desk or in your room, but you should respect that is always the same, that is well lit and there the child has access to everything needed to do their jobs. Also, it is a place without distractions, which can concentrate and, over time, reach associate with the study. It is critical that, while engaged in their duties, little or no access to phone or television.
  2. Set a time of day. As with the place, there are also free to choose what the time devoted to homework. But once elected, they must comply. This helps to create study habits and discipline, and also helps to avoid arguments, when the time comes, touches homework. It is best to be early, after a moment of distraction after returning from school. The later is made, the child will be more tired and have less desire, will cost more and the results will be worse.
  3. If you set rules and schedules, be steadfast in its performance. This point is closely related to the previous two. It does not mean you have to be inflexible in a radical way, but you notice that, when not met with a schedule, it is an exception.
  4. Accompanying children while doing homework. Accompany means to be near them, but not over, far from "them" homework. Let children make their activities as independent as possible is a way to recognize their independence, intelligence and ability to do things for themselves, but do not go perfect. This attitude helps a lot in learning to manage their responsibilities and strengthens their self-esteem.
  5. Lead by example. This is very positive: the adult, whenever possible, make your own "homework" in view of the child, while it makes his: calculations related to home economics, review of bills or other paper, read a book, etc. It will be an extra motivation for two reasons: first, because children always try to look like their elders, and secondly, because it is a great way to show them that what they learn now will serve them for life in the future.
  6. Be alert to help, especially if the child gets stuck with the task. The way, of course, is not doing the activity for him, but give some clue to bring it to the correct solution. Another possibility, if the child is stressed due to the difficulty of the duties is to give a break: you take a break to clear your mind and try again.
  7. Rather than teach, tools for thinking. Many times adults can clarify the doubts of the students, but may not always do so. In such cases, do not get overwhelmed: the role of parents is to accompany the children and provide ideas, tools for thinking and look for alternatives. It is convenient not to have solved nagging doubts in class but encourage them to not forget to do the following.
  8. Check the homework done. This means not only the first instance of correction, but also a show of interest from the adult to the activities of small, which is essential for the child represented by motivation. The review should always start by highlighting the positive: the things the child has done well, developments and improvements to be detected, and so on. This will be taken by the student as a recognition for their work and encourage him to keep going. Then it will be time to mention another errors or mistakes made, without drama or exaggeration. However serious, are faults that can be corrected and are part of the learning process.
  9. Avoid the "rewards" for homework. One thing is motivation and a promise of a reward in exchange for the child to do their homework. With an offer like this, you run the risk that the situation is denatured and the alleged prize becomes a "bribe". It is best that the motivations and incentives are of another kind.
  10. Discuss homework with positive terms. The connotation of words is crucial here: if parents refer to expressions homework with him as a punishment, something bad or boring, safe for children's live that way. So whenever it is appropriate that, when we talk about the work, done with words "good", highlighting how much the child will learn, what will serve in the future, it may be interesting to know, etc..

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