
Early Stimulation ,The development of the Baby skills month by month

What is early stimulation in healthy children?

Today, we know that our baby is born with great potential and is in the hands of their parents take advantage of this opportunity in the process of maturation of the baby, for this potential to develop to the maximum of the most appropriate and fun . Early stimulation is the set of media, techniques, and science-based activities and applied systematically and sequentially. It is used in children from birth to age 6, with the aim of optimizing their cognitive, physical, emotional and social, to avoid undesired states in development and help parents effectively and autonomy in the care and development the infant.

Early stimulation in healthy children from any point of view is a therapy nor a formal teaching method.

Children from birth receive external stimuli to interact with others and their environment. When we stimulate our babies we are presenting different opportunities to explore, develop skills and abilities in a natural way and understand what is happening around them.

How does early stimulation in healthy children?

Each stage of development need different stimuli that relate directly to what is happening in the individual development of each child. It is very important that this individual development without making comparisons or pressure the child. The goal of the stimulation is not accelerating development, forcing the child to achieve goals that are not prepared to meet, but to recognize and encourage the potential of each individual child and present challenges and appropriate activities to strengthen their self-esteem, initiative and learning.

Medical research has come a long way and today we know much more about child brain development and the importance of early life. We are absolutely certain that stimulation a child receives during its early years is the foundation upon which you will later development. How not to take advantage of these moments?

Important factors to stimulate properly

Early stimulation is one way to enhance motor development, cognitive, social and emotional development of our children, but also must respect the individual development and predisposition baby. Initially the activities focus on strengthening the emotional bond, massage and sensory stimuli, respecting the natural development of the baby, and the natural instinct of their parents. Then start gross motor activities, fine motor skills, concentration and language. It is very important to take care and protect the initiative, independence and self-esteem of the child throughout the learning process. At the same time it is worth taking into account important factors in achieving adequate leverage stimuli to which our children may be exposed.
  • Every child is different
All children are not equal, each has its own pace of development. Your individual development depends on the maturation of the nervous system.
  • Parameters of child development
It is important to understand the parameters of development but it is more important to understand that these are quite large and that its development depends on several factors. Recognizing the pattern of overall development, we can use it as a guide to introduce the baby stimuli and appropriate activities.
  • Do not force the child
Stimulation should be a positive experience. Do not force the child to do any activity. We must learn to "read" what our children feel at that moment.
  • Play with child
The only way a child learns during this first stage is if you are predisposed to learn and absorb new information, ie playing. The game is the best way to stimulate a child. It is also important that the child is well fed that has made his nap and feel comfortable. Parents are learning to read your baby's behavior and respect their needs.

How to develop the skills of the baby?

From the moment your baby is born starts a developmental stage that converts to a defenseless little person in an independent being that goes where you want to go and express what you want or what you feel. This change does not happen suddenly, but is a process of maturation and skills that will be gaining every month.

Here are what you can expect your baby to month to month according to the different groups of skills:

Basic Skills

Those that most babies have (95%).

Advanced Skills

It occurs in half the infants (50%).

Superior ability

Only some develop them in early (10%).

It is not necessary that your baby is with all these development patterns since not all babies are equal in their growth. Some babies need more time than others to achieve new skills and this does not mean that there may be a delay in development or that their IQ is less.

What about premature babies?
If a baby is born prematurely, their development must be measured according to their age and not adjusted according to chronological age. The first takes into account the time that the baby should have been born, namely the due date and the second is counted from the day the baby was born. To follow the development pediatricians take as reference the set age, because otherwise there would always be a delay.

The newborn baby

Basic Skills

Move your limbs uncontrollably while awake, squeezes his hand, emits screams and cries to communicate what they want or feel (hunger, pain, sleep, etc ...).

Advanced Skills

Raise a little head for a few seconds, responds to certain sounds, look at the faces.

Superior ability

Keep objects with his eyes, emits some sounds.

The 1 month baby

Basic Skills

Lift head, Responds to sounds, watch the faces.

Advanced Skills

Keep objects with his eyes, makes sounds ("u" and "a"), distinguishes black and white patterns.

Superior ability

He smiles, laughs, keeps head upright at 45 degrees.

The baby of two months

Basic Skills

Vocalized sounds, follows objects with his eyes, keeps head up for short periods.

Advanced Skills

He smiles, laughs, keeps head upright at 45 degrees, their movements are smoothed.

Superior ability

Keeps head firmly holds some weight in your legs, lift your head and shoulders in prone.

The 3-month

Basic Skills

Laugh, maintains head firmly raised at times, recognize your face and your scent.

Advanced Skills

Croons and warbles, recognize your voice, raise your head and shoulders in prone.

Superior ability

Look at the source of loud sounds, folds his hands and hit toys, turns (Grounder).

The 4-month

Basic Skills

Keeps head strongly raised, holds some weight on his legs, gurgles when you talk.

Advanced Skills

You can take a toy, try reaching, turns.

Superior ability

Babbles some sounds (BA-BA, GA-GA), cuts his first tooth, can be ready for your first meal.

The 5 month old

Basic Skills

Distinguishes bright colors, turns, Has fun playing with his hands and feet.

Advanced Skills

He turns to new sounds and recognize his name when called.

Superior ability

Sits without support for a few moments, takes things in their mouths, you can start a stage of anxiety.

The 6 month old

Basic Skills

He turns to sounds and voices, imitate some sounds, making bubbles with his saliva, turns in both directions achieves full control of your head.

Advanced Skills

Reach objects which then leads to the mouth, sits without support, you're ready for your first meal.

Superior ability

You can lunge forward or start crawlMimics combining speech syllables, dragging objects toward him.

The 7-month

Basic Skills

Sits without support, drag objects to him, imitates speech (babble).

Advanced Skills

Combines syllables like words, begins to crawl or to spring forward.

Superior ability

Stands holding onto something, moving his hand saying goodbye, hitting objects together.

The 8-month

Basic Skills

You can say PA-PA-MA or MA to anyone, starts crawl, Pass objects from one hand to another.

Advanced Skills

Stands holding onto something completely crawls, point to objects.

Superior ability

Stands alone, making small objects with their fingers clamp mode, shows what he wants with gestures.

The 9 month

Basic Skills

Combines syllables like words, are holding on to something.

Advanced Skills

Take small objects with their fingers like a claw, walks holding onto something with irregular steps, hitting objects together.

Superior ability

Says mom or dad who is responsible, playing hide and seek.

The 10 month

Basic Skills

Move your hand saying goodbye, making small objects with their fingers like a claw, crawl completely, walks with the help of someone with irregular and uncertain steps.

Advanced Skills

Says mom or dad who is responsible, responds to his name and understand the word NO, demonstrates what he wants with gestures.

Superior ability

Take a glass of liquid, stops for a few seconds, puts other objects within.

The 11-month

Basic Skills

Says mom or dad who is responsible, stands alone for a few seconds, play hide and seek.

Advanced Skills

Imitate what other people do, put objects inside other, understand simple orders.

Superior ability

Take a glass of liquid, says a new word besides mom and dad, crouch when standing.

The 12-month baby

Basic Skills

mimics what other people do, babbles syllables like words, demonstrates what he wants with gestures.

Advanced Skills

Says a new word besides Mom and Dad begins to walk, Understands and responds to simple requests.

Superior ability

Scribbles with crayons first, walking completely, says two words in addition to mom and dad.

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