
Baby Development and stimulation from 6 to 12 months, Children Development and stimulation from 12 to 18 months. Forward!

Baby Development and stimulation from 6 to 12 months

Between 6 and 12 months, the baby goes to sit by himself to take his first steps, to issue individual letters to say their first words ... So you can move forward in their development, needs to receive information through the senses. You have to provide audio and visual stimuli and especially tactile sensations through play.

The phase of the 6 to 12 months life in baby is age of the great discoveries The baby becomes a small explorer insatiable curiosity and need stimuli encourage him to move, pick up objects, discover the cause and effect relationship, communicate with others ...

From 6 to 7 months, The baby realizes that touching things with your hands can get information from them without having to continually take them in their mouths, but continue to investigate sucking all its features for a while.

From 8 months The baby grabs increasingly small objects between his thumb and forefinger with a pincer movement that will perform it. All that we can provide incentives to develop fine motor skills will be crucial at this stage.

From 9 to 12 months The baby shows great interest in the things that we know mom and dad do with his hands. We observe and attempt to imitate.

What games and incentives encourage baby's development from 6 to 12 months?

The first stimulus: the love of Mom and Dad

Babies discover the world through interaction with the people around them, and especially with his mother and father. Play with mom and dad, laughing with them, hear their explanations about what is around you while you point out, kisses, caresses, the songs you sing ... All expressions of affection and attention of parents are the best broth cultivation for an intelligence and a curious baby awake and stimulated.

Sounds: Music, maestro!

The music is a stimulus for learning baby: its bass and treble stimulate neural connections, reorganize the baby's brain and support their findings.

Furthermore, it was found that the harmonic sounds, with predominantly high tones, predispose the baby to the learning.

According to Elisabeth Fodor, The peak of musical sensitivity is around 8 months, why music games are especially important at this stage.

First words: language, a toy

In the second half of life, the language experienced a spectacular development. Around seven months, children begin to say their first syllable "ma", "gue", "ta" ... Over the first ten months disyllabic say "ma-ma", "da-da" and "I- you "and imitate know when I waved. A month later their first starts sounding short words and know the meaning of others as "dame", "take this" and "no".

Talk to your son slowly, vocalizing well and so expressive, looking fondly at his face. The inflections of your voice and facial expression will convey information about the world and about your feelings towards him. And remember the words used as they are, do not imitate her "slurred speech" is very funny though, if you talk like slow their learning.

Toys & visually striking: a stimulus to explore the world

After 6 months the baby is able to turn to turn around, after 7 months, can sit up without support. At 8 months loves playing lying on the ground, and the nine months many children are released to crawl. These are the steps that will allow large, between 12 and 16 months, learn to ride unassisted.

The best thing parents can do to encourage these achievements is to offer incentives that motivate our baby to get moving: Play calling him to try to approach us, playing "cop-cop" if it crawls, place your favorite toy or object that will call attention to some distance to try to catch them and remove them increasingly ...

The toys and brightly colored objects and striking sounds are perfect at this stage, especially if allowed to interact baby: Mom showy handkerchief that changes shape when your child no wrinkle, a box with something inside that sounds when you shake it, teddies ...


Through Management sensations touch, The baby's brain is capable of projecting full images. Even young infants can recognize when they see an object that have examined his hands and tongue.

At six months, the baby can take a bottle and change objects from one hand to another. At seven months using hands much more freely and touch and manipulate everything within reach. Chupa things and loves to throw them to the ground to find them later. Start a tired time for their parents! With 10 months loves to hear the sounds that can do banging objects, tearing magazines, touching the buttons of his toys ...

These experiences will help discover the causal relationship and increase their autonomy and curiosity. Feeling that is able to come and go or uncover objects to cover them, that music can sound when shaken or squeezed a toy, her favorite doll will "respond" if he holds his little hand ... The baby needs to learn from their own experiences , is where he gets the information.

Children Development and stimulation from 12 to 18 months. Forward! 


By their first birthday, babies begin to become children. The great achievement of this semester is learning to walk. At 18 months, your child will be able to run, climb stairs and even walking backward. In addition, it will say a few words to express over 50, will stage "no", his first tantrum ... Have a scout home willing to take on the world!

After their first birthday, most children are very active. Every time they have more control over your body. This semester is key development of the gross motor and language: stimulate to be launched to walk and talk a lot with your child, without using "baby talk."

The baby of 12 months. First Steps

Around the year, many babies are beginning to bear first steps by themselves. Others still take weeks or months to start walking. If your child is in the quiet, do not worry, it's perfectly normal.

Imitate what others do, especially mom and dad, and begins the stage in which the baby Sports pushing large objects and throwing and throwing things on the floor. Be patient, because you need to experience the cause and effect relationship and spend some time collecting soil buckets and toys.

The 13 months. Moves with support

Continued learning to let go for a walk. Many children are able to move from one place to another in little steps, looking for support on furniture. Your son can bend down and pick up an object from the floor and like to approach what arouses your curiosity is discovering their independence. Increasingly dominates their hands better. You can hold your spoon Eat -but not as a gentleman- And put items in a box. He says some single words And understand much of what you say. Every time you communicate better.

A child of 14 months. I follow you, Mom!

At 14 months, many children can get up and bending solos. Mom love to follow you everywhere to see what it does and help with the housework. At this age have greatly improved coordination: Know empty a cube filled with sand or water, can drink from a cup without pulling its content ... He loves to experiment with textures and objects of different sizes, and feels safer with her teddy bear or blanket, which become his lovey.

Remember: it's time to care for security your house at ground level. Protects the plugs, remove fragile or dangerous objects of reach of your child and try to leave as much space as possible to move around and browse.

A child of 15 months. Welcome, sir "no"

Suddenly "No" becomes their favorite word. It is a way of affirming their identity, now it's becoming more autonomous. He has spoken about six words, but understands many more. Most children at this age and walking. They begin to climb steps, supporting both feet on each, but take longer to power up and down stairs. As for their manual skills, and can clapping, stacking building blocks basic start blink boxes, Manage their covered much better ... having great time playing with mom and dad. They love all toys they can push and pull Like dolls carts, trawls and walkers.

Already obey simple instructions as "give the wrist" and understand simple phrases like "Where's the bear?". We can call attention to the other children, but still not usually play with them.

A child of 16 months: First tantrums

At 16 months it is possible that your child enjoys play to hide his face in his hands, stacking blocks (and throw) and games with body parts such as "Where are your ears?". They start early Tantrums: Still not control their emotions and there are many everyday actions that dominates and frustrating. Continues to develop its gross motor and exploring the cause-effect relationship. Toys that make noise or music or that move when he manipulates, With increasing skill, will draw little attention.

A child of 17 months. He likes to imitate

At 17 months, children have mastered words, some even can start building simple sentences. They enjoy games that require imagination, like feeding your wrist or make little meals. Remains wedded to "no", even more strongly than in previous months. Counter impulsivity speaking in a soft tone, asking things "please" and thanking him. Remember watching learning.

A child of 18 months. Increasingly attentive

Can jump, run, climb stairs themselves clutching the railing and sit unaided in a chair short. They play all the buttons and switches within its scope. They are capable of throwing large objects without falling down, like a ball. You know paint scribbles, make towers three or four cubes and remove any clothing Like socks.

They comprise two orders in the same sentence as "opens the box and pulls out a toy," and can say about 50 words. They love the music: Can carry a tune they like and enjoy dancing. Every time maintain attention longer in the same activity.

Showing increasing interest in other children, but still find it difficult to interact with them.

The most suitable toys for children 12 to 18 months

What toys your child needs to reach all the developmental milestones of this phase and continue learning? I like to play with cubes and blocks; Car, And all kinds of lorries wheeled toys; Games kitchenTo imitate mom and dad; dolls; stories with pictures and sounds different, Snap and ensartables…

The toys that move if the child manipulates (With buttons that make sounds or lights are lit, with pieces that go up and down, with music ... usually their favorites at this stage.

And, of course, especially enjoy pull toys and heavy to push toysThat give something to hold to move around the house. With the Walkers You can play "pilla-pilla"At hiding in the house (You will "hide", he seeks you, and when you find exaggerate the surprise and laugh) ...

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