Parents can teach children fruit intake, a critical component to your diet
Often, children are reluctant to eat fruits andvegetables. This attitude isa problem, because they provide vitamins and other important nutrients for health and growth, some of which are not present in other foods. In this post, we collect several ways to motivate them to eat fruit, such as offering various presentations and combinations, avoid overstressing and, in the case of older, lead by example.
Fruits are essential in the diet of children, as for adults, for many reasons: they provide some nutrients almost exclusive -like vitamin C, only present in fruits and vegetables- are asource of fiber and antioxidants, almost no contain fat and help maintain proper hydration (all have ahigh water content) and remove excess fluids and toxins, given its diuretic.
The problem is not always easy to accept the smaller fruits included in your menu. Children tend to be reluctant to try new foods, especially when tastes are some what strong, or acids, like some fruits, and also when the texture is fibrous or have to perform some additional tasks before you put them in their mouth ( peel, remove seeds, etc..). So always come in handy some tips to encourage children to eat fruit (and not despair in the attempt).
1.Lead by example. This is basic: children imitate and want to look like adults. In a house where the fruit is not part of the diet of adults, it is very difficult to include in the small. Also, if you eat fruit, the higher will do well not only to children but also to themselves. Care should be taken, on the other hand, the fruits are visible in the everyday landscape, which can be achieved with the presence of a source with a good variety on the dinner table or in the kitchen.
2.Enter through the eyes. Thing that children like to play and often live far from food as an interruption of their entertainment, they would rather avoid. So, one alternative is to make the food also has a touch of fun. One way of achieving this is through the cuts of the pieces of fruit and the possible combinations. It is much more attractive to the child, and will increase their desire to eat, get a multicolored fountain, with pieces of strawberry, apple, orange, peachand kiwi cut into similar shapes and sizes that one whole fruit. Another alternative is to present the pieces of fruit on a wooden stick, like a skewer.
3.Combine with other fruits. This advice is similar to above, but in this case, not only presents the fruit of an original, but is mixed with other products to get new results. A good resource is to include fruit pieces in milk or yogurt even dairy companies sold long such combinations. The apple and some cheeses, such as brie, also give very good results. They can be combined with thin slices of toast banana. The only limit is the imagination and make the palate.
4.Juicing. Juices are another way to consume fruit. No benefit from its nutritional properties, since many of them are lost, especially the fiber and vitamins, if you pause toolong since squeezed until drunk. However, the benefits are varied: firstly, the ability to mix different fruit juices and richer test results (this can be the gateway to one type of fruit that, when the entire piece, the child refuses to try) and, secondly, thirst quenching juices in hot weather, as an alternative to soft drinks.
5.Promoting the participation of children. Such collaboration can be achieved in the preparation of food. While the older kitchen, little can peel fruits, organize your presentation or perform some other task that does not involve risks. This contact and closeness with fruit help to increase their desire to try it. You can also includethe child in making decisions with questions like: "What do we have today, banana or tangerine? ".This not only helps you feel more involved with the fruit, and consequently more likely to eat it, but also gain insight into their tastes and preferences.
6.Do not force or insist too. If eating fruit becomes a requirement, or offering is a stressful time and discussions, the child is likely to end up associating the fruit with negative situations, which cause opposite desired behavior. If the child refuses after some proposals, it is best to leave. But if an adult eats fruit later rejected the child and says how nice it tastes and how much he has enjoyed the small increase their curiosity and their desire to please imitate and caregiver. If not now, maybe the next time it wants to eat.
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