
How to instruct the children effectively? 5 tips on positive discipline and 6 tips to avoid fights between brothers


How to instruct the children effectively?

Everyone has there ever been such a situation where ask a child to do a task becomes an impossibility. And while the causes can be many, the truth is that often we have the best way to achieve be understood. Not necessarily a child should know verbal codes of the instructions we give. Therefore, these should be expressed so that the children can understand. Here are some recommendations for instruct children effectively.
Achieve childcare

Before giving an instruction to a child is very important to attract attention. Keep to no more than 30 inches so you can hear your voice at a normal and calm tone. Your child should understand that you are talking. You can get his attention by saying his name or looking him straight in the eyes.
Be clear and concise

It is important to go straight to the point and give short instructions. The fewer words you use, the better. Remember that children are always learning to talk, so many words make it difficult to understand the message. The instructions should be clear and concise, unambiguous.

Give one direction at a time

Never give your child a task list. In these cases, children may forget what they have been asked, not understanding or simply feel overwhelmed. It is better to give one instruction at a time.
Being realistic

Best when we ask our child to do a task is to be realistic. Do not give orders to know that the child can not keep. There are a number of activities that a little one can not do so as the saying goes: "Do not ask for the impossible." The instructions should be on the basis of those tasks and the child has achieved.
Be positive

It is better to tell the child what we want to do and not what you do not want. When you tell a child not doing any specific activities ("do not jump"), many other options left open (running, jumping, etc..). Instead, the be positive and say what we expect from him ("please walk") are giving the only alternative.

Do not ask but that

Do not ask your child to do a task, instead, tell him in a firm voice and friendly as you would have done. Do not say: "Would you like to pick up your toys?". This means that the child has an alternative. Better to say directly: "pick up your toys, please." Always remember to treat it well.
Rewarding good behavior

Once the child meets his instructions, is great praise for doing the right thing. The more reward good behavior of smaller, these are repeated in the future.

Remember that often the way we address our children threaten the effectiveness of instruction. Follow the recommendations given and we are confident that your little slowly will learn to follow the rules and do their jobs effectively.

5 tips on positive discipline

Positive discipline or gentle discipline is an approach to this aspect of parenting that seeks to lead the children of non-punitive and respectful ways, validating their emotions and helping with behavioral difficulties who have without penance or cries. Today we bring you five tips on positive discipline with young children to help you deal with minor conflicts every day.

1. "Let's try again"
Use this phrase when your child forget to thank, apologize, when he hits the little brother or answers rudely. Give a chance to try again to make your best action is a gentle and respectful way to teach and remind you how things are done. If you restore directly for not doing things right, the learning opportunity is lost.

2. To make things work: go to them when they ask for something.
Shout an order from the other end of the house does not work. If you need to ask your child to do something (to order their toys, hang up your coat, pick your shoes) squatting at its height to look into his eyes and make sure you listen. And do not forget that small children can not perform many activities simultaneously. Asking you to keep your blocks in a box is more specific and tell you more results than "orders across the room."

3. Getting it together
Young children love to be with their parents. Are naturally dependent. So you do not have to forget that and you should get involved in activities. "We will raise these toys", "Let's hang our coats" are phrases that will avoid conflicts. Be playful: instead of yelling going to brush their teeth: see what's there in a heartbeat.

4. Distractions
The little ones are curious: they learn when they explore. Many times this is inconvenient we exploratory attitude, but you should avoid it. If your son takes something that you do not want to grip, remember not to let first things you do not want to be available to them in his sight, and secondly, an environment that promotes itself to explore. There are many things you can poke a home to learn. Take it to them, distract him from where you do not want it to go out and challenge him and let it flow exploration.

5. Keep in mind the age and stage of development that your child is found
The little children have tantrums. Preschoolers can not stay still long. The seven-year defiantly respond because they are learning to be assertive. These steps are not easy, but are normal in their development. Do not take these reactions personally and behaviors: they are not acting against you. Take these opportunities to teach other ways that are more acceptable to react, and remember that no stage lasts forever.

6 tips to avoid fights between brothers

Fights between siblings are a challenge for any parent. Although we have strategies to use at the time, we all wondered how to prevent fights from happening repeatedly.

Be a good role model

Children imitate the behaviors they see in their parents. If we want to encourage kindness and peaceful behavior in our children we must first be honest about our own ways to deal with frustration, anger or fatigue. Take a moment to consider whether some attitudes you see in your children, constantly complain, grumble, insutar not listen to the other, yelling or talking with sarcasm is something you usually do and set a goal to change it.

Watch your tone of voice

When you lose patience with your children or argue with your partner, do you raise your voice? A very useful tip is to pay attention to the use of own voice for a few days. You will see that when the screams fall, children tend to be otherwise with his brothers not being impulsive or sudden imitating.

Stimulates kindness

Introduces a new family rule for both children and adults ever order anything saying "please" and thank all with a "thank you". So avoid conflicts between children when one takes a toy to another, or goes over their stuff, or pushing the run. At first you'll have to remind them of the rule with kindness again and again, but eventually naturalize children being polite to their brothers and denature the unkind treatment.
Encourages empathy

When a child hurts another, or make a mistake, try to avoid shouting, challenge or blame. Instead put the focus on empathizing with the injured person. Instead of saying "well, that occurs to them to fight," say "Oops! That blow must have hurt! Let's give a mime "encouraging brother to comfort him. Children connect with empathy when the models.

Be affective

In families that specifically demonstrates affection with hugs, and the habit of saying to the other "I love you" or "I care about you" every day, the brothers learn to care for and valued and have fewer fights rather abrupt.
Reward kindness

When you see your children share their toys, helping each other with homework or just playing together, congratulate them and show them all how happy they are when they get along and help.

All these tips will help make your home a more peaceful and brotherly relationship between your children, more careful and gentle.

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