
Ten tips for children to do their homework

It is normal for children to resist doing homework at home. And this often leads to fights or anger that harm family life and the educational process. To avoid this, it should be noted some recommendations as certain routines and create enabling environments, support and encourage children as they perform tasks and review with them when they have finished. Compliance with these assumptions generates motivation and incentives that are critical for small. This article explains why it is important for children to do homework and collect ten tips to achieve it.

Why homework is important

Every so often resurfaces in the educational debate about whether the duties that teachers send children to make at home are beneficial or not, and in any case, how much homework is appropriate to entrust. Beyond the various opinions in this discussion, the fact is that today the duties are an essential part of the educational process of children. The existence of homework has several positive aspects: helps create habits of responsibility and discipline in small, strengthens their concentration, can reinforce what is learned in class during the day and also serves to strengthen the relationship between parents and children.

The problem is that children are often reluctant to spend time at home for homework. And the direct consequence of this fact are often fights, anger, stress and bad times that hurt children and adults in everyday life and in the educational process in general. Therefore, it should be noted the tips and techniques listed in the following Decalogue to encourage children to do their homework without problems and get the best results.

Ten Tips for children to do their homework
  1. Establish an appropriate place to do homework. There have to be at a desk or in your room, but you should respect that is always the same, that is well lit and there the child has access to everything needed to do their jobs. Also, it is a place without distractions, which can concentrate and, over time, reach associate with the study. It is critical that, while engaged in their duties, little or no access to phone or television.
  2. Set a time of day. As with the place, there are also free to choose what the time devoted to homework. But once elected, they must comply. This helps to create study habits and discipline, and also helps to avoid arguments, when the time comes, touches homework. It is best to be early, after a moment of distraction after returning from school. The later is made, the child will be more tired and have less desire, will cost more and the results will be worse.
  3. If you set rules and schedules, be steadfast in its performance. This point is closely related to the previous two. It does not mean you have to be inflexible in a radical way, but you notice that, when not met with a schedule, it is an exception.
  4. Accompanying children while doing homework. Accompany means to be near them, but not over, far from "them" homework. Let children make their activities as independent as possible is a way to recognize their independence, intelligence and ability to do things for themselves, but do not go perfect. This attitude helps a lot in learning to manage their responsibilities and strengthens their self-esteem.
  5. Lead by example. This is very positive: the adult, whenever possible, make your own "homework" in view of the child, while it makes his: calculations related to home economics, review of bills or other paper, read a book, etc. It will be an extra motivation for two reasons: first, because children always try to look like their elders, and secondly, because it is a great way to show them that what they learn now will serve them for life in the future.
  6. Be alert to help, especially if the child gets stuck with the task. The way, of course, is not doing the activity for him, but give some clue to bring it to the correct solution. Another possibility, if the child is stressed due to the difficulty of the duties is to give a break: you take a break to clear your mind and try again.
  7. Rather than teach, tools for thinking. Many times adults can clarify the doubts of the students, but may not always do so. In such cases, do not get overwhelmed: the role of parents is to accompany the children and provide ideas, tools for thinking and look for alternatives. It is convenient not to have solved nagging doubts in class but encourage them to not forget to do the following.
  8. Check the homework done. This means not only the first instance of correction, but also a show of interest from the adult to the activities of small, which is essential for the child represented by motivation. The review should always start by highlighting the positive: the things the child has done well, developments and improvements to be detected, and so on. This will be taken by the student as a recognition for their work and encourage him to keep going. Then it will be time to mention another errors or mistakes made, without drama or exaggeration. However serious, are faults that can be corrected and are part of the learning process.
  9. Avoid the "rewards" for homework. One thing is motivation and a promise of a reward in exchange for the child to do their homework. With an offer like this, you run the risk that the situation is denatured and the alleged prize becomes a "bribe". It is best that the motivations and incentives are of another kind.
  10. Discuss homework with positive terms. The connotation of words is crucial here: if parents refer to expressions homework with him as a punishment, something bad or boring, safe for children's live that way. So whenever it is appropriate that, when we talk about the work, done with words "good", highlighting how much the child will learn, what will serve in the future, it may be interesting to know, etc..

1 comment:

  1. Excellent suggestions and tips. It's not often easy to get your child to do their homework. Up and useful.
